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I checked the ……… forecast online. A flash of lighting …….. up the sky. Mr Cooper went on a business …….. to the Bahamas. In the summer, the islands are often very ……., so it’s difficult to find somewhere to stay. I love taking the …….. to the city because there is no traffic and you can enjoy the scenery. Peter and Tracey had a great time fishing in the …….. near their holiday villa. Last summer we …….. a wonderful time when we stayed by the sea! What time …….. your dad leave for the airport yesterday?
Modern education system - a legacy of the industrial revolution of the XIX century. Initially, the school formed so that children are aware of the world that surrounds them. However, it was already 150 years, society has changed, the world has become much more difficult, as school let out and people are able to perform only primitive work and solve basic problems.
Ten years of its existence, the child spends at school, and she can not enrich his mind and soul, unable to come to the aid in the determination of a vocation. The school today are not taught to know themselves and to form relationships with other people. Today's children are in the majority are not able to reflect and expose the analysis of different situations, with the result that can not succeed and consequently become happy.
The only thing that is able to school today - the desire to kill and the ability to learn something new in its own way to train and to remember a bunch of absolutely necessary knowledge.
In addition, in the modern school is suppressed personality do not develop students' ability to think, to dream and to create. Children do not know how to find their own solution to the problem, think outside the box, self-development, to analyze. Hence the decline, and sometimes complete loss of curiosity.