Составьте рассказ "My day" по плану: which your perfect day is ; what you do in the morning; what you do in the afternoon; what you do in the evening; why you like this day.
My ideal day, thus is the day in which the while family spend time together. We can go fishing or go the cinema.
In the morning i wake Up and go to wash. Going eat and sit down for lesseons or go to school.
In the afternoon i come Home after a hard day and sit down to Dinner later go Out with friends.
In the evening, at 8 o'clock, and the while family starts watching a movie.
I like this day because of the evering i spent with my parents.
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Составьте рассказ "My day" по плану: which your perfect day is ; what you do in the morning; what you do in the afternoon; what you do in the evening; why you like this day.
"My day"
My ideal day, thus is the day in which the while family spend time together. We can go fishing or go the cinema.
In the morning i wake Up and go to wash. Going eat and sit down for lesseons or go to school.
In the afternoon i come Home after a hard day and sit down to Dinner later go Out with friends.
In the evening, at 8 o'clock, and the while family starts watching a movie.
I like this day because of the evering i spent with my parents.