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ПЕРЕСКАЗАТЬ ТЕКСТ НА АНГЛ "Every day aboard a space shuttle is different in many ways, but you're always busy up there!" said crew member Leroy Chiao when we asked him to tell us about a typical day on a mission in orbit. Good Morning! Every morning, Mission Control wakes the crew up with music at exactly 6:41pm CST (Central Standard Time — that's the same time that people in Chicago use The pieces of music are always different. 1__ After that, they have a couple of hours to wash, have breakfast and get the morning' messages from Mission Control. Washing isn't easy in space, and it's impossible to have a shower, so the crew wash themselves with a wet sponge. Shaving is also a difficult task up there, so the men have to use special space' razors. Let's get busy! At around 8:45 pm CST, the crew starts work. Most of the time they work on projects involving satellites and the shuttle itself. They also take photos of their activities and the view from the shuttle to send home. Each day there are also two six-hour space walks. "We have between eight and ten minutes to do each task, " says Leroy, "so we have to work very closely and help each other." The crew take a short break for lunch during the afternoon'. 2According to NASA, the crew's special meals are "tasty and very good for them". After lunch, they go back to work until around 8:45 am CST. Astronauts need to rest, too! "Fortunately, it's not all work and no play aboard the space shuttle, " says Leroy. " 3Most of us read and send our personal e-mail in this free time, but we also like to read books or listen to music. Sometimes we sit by the window and admire the Earth and the stars." After that, at exactly 10:41 am CST, it's time for the crew to go to bed, while Mission Control and the shuttle's computers take over for the 'night'.
Саманидское государство (перс. امارت سامانیان; Amārat-i Sāmāniyān) — государство, существовавшее в Средней Азии в 875—999 годах. Правящей династией были Саманиды. Столица государства — Бухара. Правление Саманидов ознаменовало новый период в истории «Иранского культурного континента», известный под названием «иранское интермеццо»[7], длившийся с IX по XI века и характерной особенностью которого было приход к власти, после 200 летнего арабского господства, коренных ираноязычных династий и возрождение персидского языка и культуры