Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Перетворіть пряму мову на непряму. . 1. “What have you prepared for today, children?”said the teacher. 2. The teacher said to the pupils:“Don't open your books.” 3. Mother said to me: “Youwill go to the cinema tomorrow.” 4. Father said toJane: "Show me your exercise book.” 5. “What areyou doing here, boys?” said Kate. 6. “Don't makenoise, " said Tom's mother to him. 7. Helen said toPete: "Did you play chess with your father yester-day?” 8. Kate said to her grandmother: "Help me tocook the soup, please.” 9. Mike said to the teacher:“My sister knows two foreign languages.” 10. Tomsaid to his sister: "I saw your friend at the libraryyesterday."
Мой любимый десерт - мороженое. Мороженое очень вкусное, сладкое. Это продукт для удовольствия. Я люблю его есть летом, когда очень жарко, а ты наслаждаешься мороженым. Для меня любимых мороженых нет. Все очень вкусные. Но в последнее время я начал есть шоколадное мороженое. Оно очень сладкое и питательное! Я ем холодное мороженое только летом, а зимой я его согреваю в микроволновой печи. Ребята, ешьте мороженое!
My favorite dessert is ice cream. Ice cream is very tasty, sweet. This is a product for pleasure. I love eating it in the summer, when it is very hot, and you enjoy ice cream. For me, there is no favorite ice cream. All very tasty. But lately, I started eating chocolate ice cream. It is very sweet and nutritious! I only eat cold ice cream in the summer, and in the winter I warm it in the microwave. Guys, eat ice cream!