Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Определи число у следующих существительных в притяжательном падеже.) 1. Children’s — ; 2. boss’s — ; 3. dog’s — ; 4. student’s — Write the following nouns in the possessive case. (Образуй притяжательный падеж следующих существительных.) 1. Felix — ; 2. parents — ; 3. waitresses — ; 4. McDonald — Join the nouns using the possessive case. If the possessive case is impossible, use of-phrases. (Составь словосочетания из предложенных слов, используя притяжательный падеж или предлог of в тех случаях, когда притяжательный падеж не используется.) Example: 1. my friend / cat — ; 2. the table / the leg — . Answer: 1. my friend’s cat; 2. the leg of the table; 1. the jacket / that man — ; 2. the result / the football match — ; 3. the wedding / the friend / Susan —
- They doesn't build their house themselves
- What does the build themselves?
- I don't like look at myself in the mirror
- Where do you like look at yourselves?
- John, I can help you
- Can you do it yourself?
- I don't hope both enjoy yourselves
- I hope you both enjoy yourselves, aren't you?
- We bought it, we didn't make in ourselves
- Why did we buy it?
- She didn't talk herself to play the guitar.
- Did she talk herself to play the guitar.
- He didn't cut himself badly.
- How did he cut himself