
сократить текст для пересказ по английскому оставить 8-9 предложений Вот текст: A group of students came up with the idea of making a school club to helpsave the environment. Tanya Brunton, Alicia Morton, Gina Montgomery, CliveForsyth, Jim O'Sullivan and Carl Johnson created the Nature Madness Club and won theaward for the best student work.At first their club only had 30 members, but word soon got around that NatureMadness was fun and less than a month later they had over 300 students. Now, they arethinking of asking for the help of students from other schools.Nature Madness members took part in lots of after-school activities. They took classesto find out about pollution, recycling and conservation. The whole team helped to makethe classes more interesting by using pictures and videos and so on. After that, themembers organised different events and activities such as recycling or clean-up days, planting trees, and helping stray animals.The mayor gave each student a gold medal for their good work. Their teacher, BarbaraMac Alpine, said at the ceremony, "I'm very proud of my students. They show that youdon't have to wait until you're grown up to do important things.​

Английский язык


Группа учеников придумала идею создать школьный клуб для помощи в сохранении окружающей среды. Таня Брантон, Алисия Мортон, Джина Монтгомери, Клайв Форсайт, Джим О'Салливан и Карл Джонсон создали клуб "Nature Madness" и выиграли награду за лучшую работу студентов. Вначале в их клубе было всего 30 участников, но слово быстро разошлось, что "Nature Madness" интересен, и менее чем через месяц количество участников выросло до 300. Теперь они думают о привлечении учащихся из других школ. Члены "Nature Madness" принимали участие во множестве внешкольных мероприятий. Они проходили уроки, чтобы узнать о загрязнении, переработке и сохранении природы. Вся команда помогала делать уроки интереснее с помощью картинок и видео и так далее. После этого участники организовывали различные мероприятия, такие как дни переработки или уборки, посадку деревьев и помощь бездомным животным. Мэр вручил каждому ученику золотую медаль за их хорошую работу. Их учительница, Барбара Мак-Алпайн, сказала на церемонии: "Я очень горжусь своими учениками. Они показывают, что важные дела можно делать не дожидаясь взрослых лет."

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сократить текст для пересказ по английскому оставить 8-9 предложений Вот текст: A group of students came up with the idea of making a school club to helpsave the environment. Tanya Brunton, Alicia Morton, Gina Montgomery, CliveForsyth, Jim O'Sullivan and Carl Johnson created the Nature Madness Club and won theaward for the best student work.At first their club only had 30 members, but word soon got around that NatureMadness was fun and less than a month later they had over 300 students. Now, they arethinking of asking for the help of students from other schools.Nature Madness members took part in lots of after-school activities. They took classesto find out about pollution, recycling and conservation. The whole team helped to makethe classes more interesting by using pictures and videos and so on. After that, themembers organised different events and activities such as recycling or clean-up days, planting trees, and helping stray animals.The mayor gave each student a gold medal for their good work. Their teacher, BarbaraMac Alpine, said at the ceremony, "I'm very proud of my students. They show that youdon't have to wait until you're grown up to do important things.​
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