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Написать предложения со словами, которые записали на уроке. Всего 15 предложений. Pocket money – карманные деньги Spend money on something – тратить деньги на Waste money on – бездумно тратить деньги на Extra money – дополнительный заработок, лишние деньги кому-нибудь по дому Do chores – делать домашние дела Hoover - пылесосить Get along with someone – хорошо ладить с кем-то Argue with – спорить с Disagree with – быть не согласным c Break - перемена A semi-detached house – дом на 2 семьи Soap opera – мыльная опера Surf the Net – сидеть в интернете 1-3 years – a toddler (ребенок, начинающий ходить)
Some teens have their own pocket money.
You have to spend money on something reasonably.
The worst waste of the money is to buy virtual items in computer games.
Some students try to make some extra money.
Sometimes I help my mom out around the house.
Some people don't have time to do chores. They hire a maid.
You have to hoover everyday, unless you'll breathe dust in your house.
I get along with my Dad.
Sometimes I can argue with my brother.
I disagree that cloudy weather is good.
In some schools breaks can last for 1 hour!
Some families in USA live in a semi-detached houses.
My mom likes to watch soap opera in the evenings.
I surf the Net when I'm bored.
Toddlers can't run very fast.