Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Определите в следующих предложениях время, форму и залог. Задайте по 3 вопроса к каждому предложению . 1. The email was sent by my director yesterday. 2. the train is being repaired by the workers the whole day. 3. The manager will visit our workplace on Friday.
1. He work in the evening.
Answer 1. doesn't have to.
2. They carry the buckets.
Answer 2. don't have to.
3. They cook now.
Answer 3. don’t have to.
для построения отрицательного предложения в настоящем времени с модальным глаголом 'have to' необходимо использовать следующие структуры предложения:
subject + do not (don't) have to + Verb in the 1st form (without 'to') + other parts of the sentence.
They do not (don't) have to speak English now.
Если подлежащее относитcя к третьему лицу единственного числа (he, she, it), тогда необходимо использовать следующую структуру:
subject + does not (doesn't) have to + Verb in the 1st form (without 'to') + other parts of the sentence.
He does not (doesn't) have to drive a car today.