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ОЧЕНЬ Прочитайте текст, письменно ответьте на вопросы Reading. Text.” Earth’s oceans” The Pacific Oceans is the largest ocean in the world. It covers 165, 250, 000km.It also has the deepest waters. The Mariana Trench is 11, 034 metres deep and 2550km long. The Pacific Ocean has very bad weather. Many powerful storms form out in the open ocean every year. There is also a lot of volcanic islands such as Hawaii, Tonga and Samoa. The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest ocean in the world. It covers an area of over 82, 000, 000km.Under the Atlantic ocean lies a mountain range called the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The Indian Ocean is smaller than the Atlantic. It covers about 73000, 000km.It usually has gentle breezes.However, from the month of April to October monsoons form over the ocean. They carry a lot of rain into india that causes terrible floods. The Southern Ocean is the fourth largest ocean. It covers an area of more than 20, 000, 000km.It is a very cold ocean because it is near the Antarctic and much of it is cover in ice. The Arctic Ocean is the smaller of all five oceans. It covers about 14, 000, 000km.It is one of the coldest oceans. Ice covers the central part of the ocean all year round. 1 Which is the deepest ocean in the world? 2 Which oceans are covered in ice ? 3 How big is the Atlantic Ocean? 4 What is the deepest area of the Pacific Ocean called? 5 In which ocean can we find volcanoes? 6 In which ocean is Hawaii? 7 What is under the Atlantic Ocean? 8 Which ocean has lots of rain for half the year? 2. Составьте эссе о животном, которое занесено в красную книгу, используя данные слова и ответив на вопросы. Написать 8-10 предложений. Feed- кормить, eat- есть, dig- копать, вырыть, build –строить, catch -ловить поймать схватить отстаивать защищать бороться, protect –защищать, hunt -охотиться ловить, hide -прятать спрятать, play –поиграть, chase –охотиться.
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