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Английский язык
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Английский язык
1) while
2) out
3) as
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Популярные вопросы в разделе
I.установите соответствие между темами a- g текстами 1-6. занесите свои ответы в таблицу. используйте каждую букву только один раз. в одна тема лишняя. this museum tells visitors about the history of...
Автор: krasnova1977
1. I (hear) a new song yesterday. 2. She (forget) to buy some milk. 3. I (speak) English in class today. 4. He (lose) his pencil case. 5. They (run) 10km. 6. I (teach) English last summer. 7. He (leav...
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Join the sentences together, using who, which or where.Фото прикрепляю.
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Imagine the story takes place now. Who is Ishmael?What problems does he face? Where doeshe go? Why? Discuss in groups. Presentyour 'modern' Ishmael to the class.
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True False Explanation 2 Advertising does not influence the children. Children want to buy products they see in the advertisement even if they don't know what it is. Teens and children don't care abou...
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с тремя1 Akbota’s grandparents are all Kazakhs.2 Her mother is 35 years old.3 Jebe is the family dog.4 Her uncle is married.5 Mikhail is a pop star.3-Make a poster of your famaily. Follow the steps in...
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Complete the texts with these particles. (after, back, for, forward, into, off, on, to, up, on)Я в отчаянии
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решить английский 8 класс
Автор: ZharikovZalina
Choose the correct verb in Past Simple Tense/Выберите нужные глаголы в простом времени, 1) Yesterday for breakfast |and hot coffee, .two eggs
Автор: annabanova9
Написать эссе на тему "some parents think that if there is a computer at home their children will waste much of their time on videogames and social networking" не менее 150-200 слво ( надо )
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Перевести making economic forecasts, it is necessary to know the effect of a price change on the whole output rather than the supply or individual firms. market supply is defined in terms of the alte...
Автор: abuzik
Контроль лексико-грамматический (Use of English) Выберите правильный ответ 1. When at last she looked at us and smiled, we knew she was danger. A) with C) to B) in D) out of 2. I’m sorry I couldn’t c...
Автор: СмыковаДарья1969
B) use your dictionary to mark the words below V (verb), N (noun) or B (bothThen make sentences with the words marked B/ 1. summer 2. water 3. light 4. fire 5. paint 6. street 7. play 8. dress 9. watc...
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2 Put the letters in the right order to make family words.0 tressi sister1 bhsunda7 torbrhe2 uhtdraeg8 drnhicle3 fwei9 hrtemo4 nos10 frheta5 add11 mmu6 rtnepas12 ybba
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You ve got a letter from your friend about his her family favorite restaurans. write him her a latter and answer the thee questions about your favorite place to eat out with your family. write 80-90 w...
Автор: Макаров1887
1) while
2) out
3) as