Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
поставить нужные слова *cables *airlock *oxygen * disconnected *safety *experiments *moisture Dave and Anatoly were astronauts on the Mir space station. They were conducting 1) . One day they needed to go outside the station on a spacewalk to do some repairs. They put on their spacesuits, which were attached to the space station with strong 2) . However, when they tried to get back into the Mir space station, they realized that the 3) had broken and they couldn't get in. Dave and Anatoly were running out of 4) quickly, so they made a risky decision. They 5) themselves from the space station and floated through space to a differerit airlock and climbed in. However, due to the 6) that built up inside his suit, Dave couldn't see where he was going. He made a small gap to see through and realised he was in his living area. Agalnst all odds they had made it back to 7)
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Рассказ о Перми
Жил-был город Пермь. Был он большой и красивый. Наш город Пермь охраняет двухглавый орел. В далеком-далеком городе, за безкрайними реками, за могучими горами высоко в небе и парил орел двухглавый. Он был властелином небес и охранял наш город Его острое зрение вовремя подмечало врагов. На берегу реки Камы находится речной вокзал-это водные ворота в наш город. Пермь- самый лучший и родной город на всей планете. Наш город богат традициями и достопримечательностями. На высокой горе в Мотовилихе стоит памятник храбрым борцам. Не каждый город может похвастаться цирком !А он у нас есть .А еще есть планетарий ,музеи, театры и большие магазины.
Пермь – наш любимый город !Мы здесь родились, живем ,ходим в детский сад и в школу.
Пермь- наша Родина !Про нее написано много книг и красивых стихов.
Я люблю свой город Пермь.
Он всегда красив и молод.
Не найти таких прекрасных улиц,
Парков ,площадей. И живет в нем
Очень много замечательных людей!
На Английском:
The story of the Perm There was a city of Perm. He was big and beautiful. Our Perm protects two-headed eagle. In the far-distant city for bezkraynimi rivers of the mighty mountains high in the sky and hovered eagle two-headed. He was the ruler of heaven and guarded our city his sharp vision in time to notice the enemy. On the banks of the Kama River is a river station is the water gateway to our city. Perm- best and hometown on the planet. Our city is rich in traditions and attractions. On a high mountain in Motovilikha is a monument to the brave fighters. Not every city can boast a circus! And we have it .a still have a planetarium, museums, theaters and great shops. Perm - our favorite city we were born, we live, we go to kindergarten and to school!. Perm- our homeland! About her written many books and beautiful poems. I love my city of Perm. He is always beautiful and young. Not find such beautiful streets, Parks, squares. And he lives in it A lot of great people!
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