Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Choose True or False. Выбери правда или неправда * Подпись отсутствует True (+) False (-) 1) W. Shakespeare was born in London 2) W. Shakespeare is one of the greatest writers in English language 3) He wrote only(только) Romeo and Juliet 1) W. Shakespeare was born in London 2) W. Shakespeare is one of the greatest writers in English language 3) He wrote only(только) Romeo and Juliet Make the correct order of W. Shakespeare’s life. Сделайте правильную последовательность жизни У.Шекспира. * Подпись отсутствует 1 2 3 4 5 a. W. Shakespeare was born in 1564 b. He died in Stratford-upon- Avon c. He moved to London d. W. Shakespeare worked as playwright e. He went to school a. W. Shakespeare was born in 1564 b. He died in Stratford-upon- Avon c. He moved to London d. W. Shakespeare worked as playwright e. He went to school 9. Choose the correct option in Past Continuous. Выберите верный вариант в длительном времени : He ___ the house this time yesterday. * A) was painting B) were painting C) painting 10. Choose the correct option in Past Continuous. Выберите верный вариант в длительном времени: ___ at 8 p.m. yesterday? (вопрос ) * A) Knitting she B ) Were they knitting C) Was they knitting 11. Choose the correct option in Past Continuous. Выберите верный вариант в длительном времени: I ___ anything this time yesterdayотрицание) * A)was not doing B)were not doing C)not doing Write a short story(8-10 sentences) about some events that happen to you or come up with it. Напишите короткую историю 8-10 предложений о том, что случилось с вами или придумайте историю. !ВСЕГО ЗА СОЧИНЕНИЕ- ЗА КАЖДЫЙ КРИТЕРИЙ ПО 1! *Критерии: -appropriate content (соответствующее содержание)- usage of words: firstly/ then/ after that (использование слов сперва/ затем /после этого)-text volume - 8-10 sentences(объем текста 8-10 предложений)-writing of grammatically correct sentences (грамматически верно составленные предложения- не пропускайте глаголы, следите на порядком слов) . *
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