эти выходные были очень веселые. на улице выпал большой слой снега и дул несильный ветерок. с утра я пошел гулять в друзьями. мы рядом с домом моего друга слепили две крепости и играли в снежки до обеда. потом я пошел домой обедать и папа с дедушкой предложили мне пойти в кино.мы пошли в кино this weekend was very fun.Sunday. on the street fell a thick layer of snow and was blowing a gentle breeze. in the morning I went out with friends. we near my friend's house and blinded the two towers and played in the snow before lunch. then I went home for lunch and dad and grandpa invited me to go to the movies.we went to the movies
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this weekend was very fun.Sunday. on the street fell a thick layer of snow and was blowing a gentle breeze. in the morning I went out with friends. we near my friend's house and blinded the two towers and played in the snow before lunch. then I went home for lunch and dad and grandpa invited me to go to the movies.we went to the movies