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1 Looking closer at their faces, I saw some strangedifference in their sweet prettiness. They all had the samehair and this came to a sharp end at the neck andbelow the cars. There was none growing on their facesand their cars were very small Their little came to apoint and their eyes were large and gentleBecause they didn't try to speak to me, but simply stoodsmiling and speaking to each other, I began theconversation. I pointed to the Time Machine and tomyself. Then, after thinking for a moment how to describetime, I' to the sun. At once, a pretty little figuredressed in purple and white did the same and then madethe sound ofFor a moment I was very surprised, though the meaningof his movement was clear enough The question hadcome into my mind suddenly: were these people_?I had always expected that people living about 800.000years in the future would have much greater knowledgethan us in science, art everythingBut one of them had asked me a very simple question, which showed him to be on the level of intelligence of oneof our five-year-old children. He had asked me, in fact, ifhad come from the sun in a thunderstorm!A feeling of sadness came into my mind. For a moment, felt that I had built the Time Machine for no reason at all