
Complete the text below with the correct form of the adjectives or adverbs in Practicebrackets. Add the and as where necessary.A young heroMike Shaw cycles along the river path every morning on his way to schoolOn the morning of the 17th January, he never imagined that his journey toschool would be (1)(exciting) than usual. On that day, fifteen-year-old Mike became (2)(young) hero in histown. As Mike was cycling along the river path, he heard a cry coming fromthe river. He realised that there was a car in the river with a woman and twochildren inside. The cry was growing weaker and (3)(weak Mike jumped into the river and swam towards the car. He knew hehad to spend (4)(little) time as possible in the icy coldwater. When he reached the car, the woman gave him her children andMike swam to the shore. Then he went back for the woman. Swimmingback again was (5)(difficult) than he had expected. Itwas (6)Chard) than before for Mike to reach the womanbecause the river was working against him and was taking the woman(7)(far) and farther away. Mike realised he had to get toher (8)(quickly) as he could if he was going to save her.Finally, Mike reached the woman and took her to the river bank where herchildren were waiting.​

Английский язык



У многих русских людей есть земельный сад-участок за городом который называют "дача". Обычно там есть небольшой домик, где они могут отдыхать или выращивать фрукты и овощи в саду.

Дачи обычно находятся в нескольких километрах за городом. Поэтому в пятницу вечером и в субботу утром тысячи автомобилей, автобусов и местных электропоездов перевозят миллионы людей на свои дачи за пределы города. Люди везут сумки, рюкзаки и небольшие тележки с тем, что им нужно для спокойных выходных на даче. Вы можете часто видеть кошек и собак в автомобилях, так как люди обычно берут своих домашних животных с собой.

Выходные люди проводят на дачах весной, летом и осенью. Весной люди очищают сад. Многие садят овощи, такие как огурцы, помидоры, лук и картофель, в то время как другие предпочитают выращивать цветы. Летом семьи купаются и рыбачат в близлежащих озерах и реках. Они также собирают фрукты и ягоды, которые используют, чтобы сделать варенье. Осень - самое красивое время года на даче. Все деревья, трава и растения зеленые, красные и желтые, и много красочных цветов.

В течение долгих, холодных русских зим, люди не могут дождаться, чтобы снова вернуться на свои дачи. Там они могут отдохнуть и отвлечься от насыщенной городской жизни.

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Complete the text below with the correct form of the adjectives or adverbs in Practicebrackets. Add the and as where necessary.A young heroMike Shaw cycles along the river path every morning on his way to schoolOn the morning of the 17th January, he never imagined that his journey toschool would be (1)(exciting) than usual. On that day, fifteen-year-old Mike became (2)(young) hero in histown. As Mike was cycling along the river path, he heard a cry coming fromthe river. He realised that there was a car in the river with a woman and twochildren inside. The cry was growing weaker and (3)(weak Mike jumped into the river and swam towards the car. He knew hehad to spend (4)(little) time as possible in the icy coldwater. When he reached the car, the woman gave him her children andMike swam to the shore. Then he went back for the woman. Swimmingback again was (5)(difficult) than he had expected. Itwas (6)Chard) than before for Mike to reach the womanbecause the river was working against him and was taking the woman(7)(far) and farther away. Mike realised he had to get toher (8)(quickly) as he could if he was going to save her.Finally, Mike reached the woman and took her to the river bank where herchildren were waiting.​
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