
Task Read the film review.A review of War of the Worlds by AndreaI recently went to see War of the Worlds. It's a science fiction film starring Tom Cruise.The film is based on a book written over 100 years ago, although it is set in modern times. Thestory is very gripping. It's about alien machines from space which land on Earth. The film has ahappy endingThe acting is very good. Tom Cruise, who plays a father who is looking for his family, isexcellent, as usual. However, I didn't think Dakota Fanning was very convincing as his daughter.The special effects were incredible the machines looked terrifying, and there were some veryscary moments which I didn't enjoy.This is a classic Spielberg film: fast-moving, not too violent, and full of action. It was scarybut I really enjoyed it. Go and see it if you can.​

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Обзор "Войны миров" Андреа

Недавно я ходил смотреть "Войну миров". Это научно-фантастический фильм с Томом Крузом в главной роли.

Фильм основан на книге, написанной более 100 лет назад, хотя действие происходит в наше время.

История очень захватывающая. Речь идет об инопланетных машинах из космоса, которые приземляются на Землю. У фильма

счастливый конец

Актерская игра очень хороша. Том Круз, который играет отца, который ищет свою семью,

как всегда великолепен. Однако я не думаю, что Дакота Фаннинг была очень убедительна в роли его дочери.

Спецэффекты были невероятными, машины выглядели устрашающе, и были некоторые очень

страшные моменты, которые мне не нравились.

Это классический фильм Спилберга: стремительный, не слишком жестокий и полный действия. Это было страшно,

но мне очень понравилось. Пойди и посмотри, если сможешь.​

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Task Read the film review.A review of War of the Worlds by AndreaI recently went to see War of the Worlds. It's a science fiction film starring Tom Cruise.The film is based on a book written over 100 years ago, although it is set in modern times. Thestory is very gripping. It's about alien machines from space which land on Earth. The film has ahappy endingThe acting is very good. Tom Cruise, who plays a father who is looking for his family, isexcellent, as usual. However, I didn't think Dakota Fanning was very convincing as his daughter.The special effects were incredible the machines looked terrifying, and there were some veryscary moments which I didn't enjoy.This is a classic Spielberg film: fast-moving, not too violent, and full of action. It was scarybut I really enjoyed it. Go and see it if you can.​
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