
Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in bold, and so that the meaning stays the same. 0 In my country all adults are obliged to vote. obligatory In my country voting is obligatory for all adults. 1 I’m sure we’re not doing it the right way. be This way you’re supposed to do it. 2 I think you should try applying again in a few months’ time. were If try applying again in a few months’ time. 3 Although I tried hard, I couldn’t get the hang of using a computer. might Try I couldn’t get the hang of using a computer. 4 It seems that Hermann wasn’t to be trusted, after all. appears Hermann trustworthy after all. 5 Clearly the previous owners left it when they moved to their new house. must It the previous owners when they moved to their new house. 6 It seems quite likely that there was a sudden surge of power. happened I think what may there was a sudden surge of power. 7 Such was the speed of the ball that the goalkeeper never saw it pass him. fast The ball was that the goalkeeper never saw it pass him. 8 Mark speaks with such clarity that it’s a pleasure to listen to him. clear Mark’s voice to him is a pleasurable experience. 9 You must not, I repeat not, open this box until Christmas Day. to Under no opened until Christmas Day. 10 My name was the last one they called out. to Mine called out.

Английский язык


1. Я ... Мэри сегодня вечером. Мы уже сговорились.А) увидетьБ) видетьС) я вижуД) увидите
2. Я думаю, что вы ... врач один день.А) статьБ) становитсяС) становитсяД) станут
3. Посмотри на небо! Он ... хороший день.А) будетБ) бытьС) будетД) 
4. Он отрицал ... вазу.А) нарушениеБ) перерывС) брейкД) сломал
5. Она настаивает ... встречи в следующее воскресенье.А) -Б) наC) вГ) 
6. Мне очень жаль. Я не хотел тебя расстраивать.А) это шокирует!Б) нет проблем. Извинения приняты.С) О, это было ничего.Д) не унывай! Все не может быть так плохо!
7. Мы прорвемся ... на лето на следующей неделе.А) Б) вС) внизД) через
8. Мне не нравится ... спорт.А) Б) отС) Д) В
9. В моей последней работе я ... работаю из дома, если я хочу.А) разрешалосьБ) можетС) необходимостьД) необходимости
10. Он сделал два фильма. ... был успешным.А) ни фильмовБ) ни один из фильмC) ни одна пленкаД) ни один из фильмов
11. Я потеряла свою сумку! Я спросил ... , но ... видел его.А) везде ... нигдеБ) все ... никто неС) все ... ничегоД) никто ... все
12. Я никогда не ... . У вас?А) татуировку сделалиБ) была татуировка сделатьС) сделал татуировкуД) сделал татуировку
13. Если я ... моложе, я ... путешествовать по всему миру.А) были бы ... Б) я бы ... C) был ... будетD) были ... будут
14. Я никогда не была в Лондоне раньше. ... это красивый город?А) неБ) неС) неД) Не
письмо ... все родители.А) отправленБ) был направлен вС) прислалиД) отправить

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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in bold, and so that the meaning stays the same. 0 In my country all adults are obliged to vote. obligatory In my country voting is obligatory for all adults. 1 I’m sure we’re not doing it the right way. be This way you’re supposed to do it. 2 I think you should try applying again in a few months’ time. were If try applying again in a few months’ time. 3 Although I tried hard, I couldn’t get the hang of using a computer. might Try I couldn’t get the hang of using a computer. 4 It seems that Hermann wasn’t to be trusted, after all. appears Hermann trustworthy after all. 5 Clearly the previous owners left it when they moved to their new house. must It the previous owners when they moved to their new house. 6 It seems quite likely that there was a sudden surge of power. happened I think what may there was a sudden surge of power. 7 Such was the speed of the ball that the goalkeeper never saw it pass him. fast The ball was that the goalkeeper never saw it pass him. 8 Mark speaks with such clarity that it’s a pleasure to listen to him. clear Mark’s voice to him is a pleasurable experience. 9 You must not, I repeat not, open this box until Christmas Day. to Under no opened until Christmas Day. 10 My name was the last one they called out. to Mine called out.
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