Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Who can make more sentences using ...?. Have you ever read about ...?. Have you ever seen ...? Leyour classmates answer your questions.Put in the following:1. We have finished reading the book about London (ju2. They have been to India (already3. He has bought a beautiful carpet (just).4. She has lived in New York (never).5. They have met the President l'prezıdənt] (never).6. They have built the bridge over the river (already).7. You have seen many interesting places (already).Learn how to pronounce and use the new words, 41.LOOK, READ, REMEMBER!
Еще я очень сильно люблю своих друзей с ними не соскучишься. я люблю заниматься спортом,играть футбол вместе с друзьями
Это очень увлекательная игра.Что бы играть футбол нужно быть выносливым и быстро бегать.
Мне нравится изучать английский язык.Я б хотела побывать в Англии.
I like many things in this life.A love my parents and spend time with nimi.Iz sports lessons I like martial arts, this exercise strengthens the spirit and silu.Ya in this circle, I found a lot of friends. I also very much love my friends do not get bored with them. I love to play sports, play soccer with his friends This is very exciting to play football igra.Chto need to be strong and run fast. I like to learn English yazyk.Ya'd like to go to England.