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Grammar MarPast SimplRead tMINERAL PARK - THE GHOST TOWN21which expressaCAST SIMPLEfor aAffirmative (+):owhe/she/it/interrogative (?)oldNyou/he/stwe/you/thNegative (-):jou he/she/itjesterday, lastthe past though.In 1871, 700 people lived in Mineral Park.There was a school, lots of shops, a postoffice, saloons, a doctor's, a hotel, arestaurant and even a weekly newspaper. Itwas a very busy town with lots of people butno cars. People travelled by train and onhorses.Lots of the people from Mineral Parkworked in the mines. After work they liked tospend their free time in the saloons andrestaurant. Everyone was happy and wealthy, but all that stopped.After 1887 Mineral Park started to changeWhe/she/into a quiet town. Many families moved toother towns and the shops closed down.Some people tried to stay but there wased to thenothing for them to do. By 1912, the townwas nearly empty. Today, there are only afew ruined buildings left. People still visit / RevMineral Park though to get an idea of whatb) What arLook at thenotebooklife was like in the past.I ShaMineral Park is a town in the United States.It is called a 'ghost town' because no onelives there anymore. It was a different town in the pastнапишите правильные и неправильные глаголы