Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Dear Tony. 1. Anyway, I've got some great news! My team won the local football championshipyesterday. Isn't it fantastic!2. Well, that's all for now.3. Sorry I haven't written for so long, but I've been really busy.4. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon. Of course, I'll send you pictures of theawards ceremony in my next letter.5. Jerry, the captain of the team, was asked to make one too, but he was nervous!6. Firstly, we're going to have dinner.7. Our coach told us that we're all going to attend an award ceremony.8. After the ceremony, we were more than sure that we will win next championship too.9. Then, the President of the Football association is going to award us medals.10. After dinner, our coach is going to make a speech.11. The event is going to be held at the Seaview Hotel restaurant, 12. Let me tell you what's going to happen there.13. At the end of the ceremony, a photographer is going to take our pictures, ПаСАнЫ
Are you having a dictation now? – No, we are doing Exercise 9. (to have; to do)
2.Дайте ответ на следующий вопрос в соответствующем завершенном времени.
Have they been in touch yet? – No, they haven't. I haven’t had any news. (to have)
3.Завершите предложение соответствующей формой инфинитива.
To design such a mechanism he has to know many things. (для того чтобы сконструировать; to design – конструировать)
4.Закончите предложение глаголами в простом или продолженном временах.
The computer broke down while I was sending e-mail. (to break down; to send)
5.Завершите предложение соответствующей формой причастия I.
Having informed people of the date of the conference we had to send them invitations. (сообщив; to inform - сообщать)
6.Завершите следующие предложения глаголами в настоящем или будущем продолженных временах.
What were you doing when the telephone rang? – I was playing computer games.