i love to cook. my dream is to become a chef. is a very interesting profession, because i like the delegates. i know how delegates cutlets and they are very tasty. i hachyu become chef because i like delegates))
1. ученики должны всегда приходить в школу. день начинается с регистрации. классный руководитель поверит, кто в школе, а кто отсутствует затем есть собрание. директор или директриса читает некоторые важные уведомления. во время обеда некоторые важные уведомления. когда начинается ланч, некоторые ученики идут на обед, но большинство идут в столовую. они могут выбрать традиционную еду или фаст-фуд. во второй половине дня снова начинается регистрация. школьники не ходят в школу по субботам и воскресеньям.
1.what is the most powerful therapeutic agents? ( penicillin,chloromysetin,streptomycin) 2.what antibiotic subtances cure now? ( pneumonia,septicemia,meningitis,tularemia) 3.who discovered first that the penicillin was subsequently obtained from green mould? ( manasscin and polotebnov) 4.who is v.g.tanakovsky? ( a russian veterinary) 5.what tanamovsky did after thirty-five years after discover of penicillin? ( published a paper on the results of his experiments which showed that a certain form of mould killed the microbe causing typh) 6.who is ilya mechnikov? ( outstanding russian biologist) 7.what did ilya mechnikov ? (discovered that certain types of bacteria) 8.how mechnikov called by his contemporaries ? ( "the great humanist") 9.what cause lactic bacteria ? ( souring of milk) 10.who was the mechnikov assistent? ( the russian scientist ignat schiller) 11. in what lactic bacteria grow quickly ( lactose)
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i love to cook. my dream is to become a chef. is a very interesting profession, because i like the delegates. i know how delegates cutlets and they are very tasty. i hachyu become chef because i like delegates))