
1.Label the picture with the words in the box ​

Английский язык



гарри потер и филосовский камень


Harry Potter — a boy with a scar on his forehead, raised in the family of his uncle and aunt. The boy's parents died. The savory life of orphans: a spoiled cousin being mean to him constantly, daily adults are punished even for a tiny misdemeanour. Even the clothes the foster child have to wearing for half-brother. Harry himself thin, so jackets and pants thick Dudley much hanging.

One day Harry comes a mysterious letter. But before Harry even look at him, the uncle takes it. The letters keep coming and coming, which infuriates my uncle. As a result the man takes away all on the island where there is no mail. There Harry finds the giant Hagrid, who tells the boy that he is a wizard. The giant takes it with him. Next day literally is shocking Harry. It turns out that right under the noses of people there is a world of magicians and magic. Harry learns that are stored in the Bank savings, which left him parents. Boy with new friends go to the Bank, take out money and a mysterious package.

Then the boy gets acquainted with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. Children fall on one Economics. In school from the first minutes they have enemies — Draco Malfoy and his henchmen Crabbe and Goyle. They are supported by Severus Snape. He was constantly picking on Harry, Ron and Hermione shoots because of their misconduct points with the entire faculty. Take Harry to the Quidditch team, he received a gift of a beautiful broom.

One day, the inseparable trio accidentally gets into the room where the hatch sits a three-headed dog. Naturally, children can not wait to find out what protects the animal. Hagrid says that the secret is known only to the head of the school — Dumbledore and his friend Nicholas Flamel.

When conducting Quidditch someone is trying to throw Harry off the broom. Friends are convinced that it is Severus. They then learn that Flamel created the philosopher's stone, a magical object that serves to make the elixir of life.

Hagrid comes across an egg from which hatches a small dragon. Hermione, Harry, Ron help the Forester to transport the creature to a safe place. Then friends have a night to go to the Forbidden forest in which someone is killing the unicorns. Harry found there with a strange creature who attempted to kill the boy. The centaur saves the boy and tells him who is behind all the strange incidents. After studying a lot of information friends learn that the three-headed dog is planted to guard the philosopher's stone. They suggest that Snow is trying to steal a protected object for Voldemort.

The trio decides to secretly go to the dungeon and find the philosopher's stone. Solving three challenges, Harry is coming to the magic mirror, about which meets a teacher, Quirrell. Turns out he's the dark Lord's assistant. The teacher tries to find out where the stone is hidden and take it for Voldemort. But Harry doesn't want to help the evil wizard, saves the stone and destroys Quirrell.

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