
Jane Austen TaSAкетаJane Austen is one of the most famous English novelists. She was bom on December 16, 1775, inSteventon, Hampshire, England. She was the seventh child of Cassandra and George Austen. Her fatherhad a large library and the children could read a lot of books. Jane was especially dose to her father andto her older sister, Cassandra. Jane and her sister were sent to boarding schools. During this time, theycaught typhus and Jane almost died. After a short period of studying, they had to return home becausethe family didn't have enough money.Jane Austen started writing her own novels in the 1990s. She spent a lot of her time reading, helping herparents, playing the piano, going to the church and meeting her neighbours. She became a very gooddancer. In 1801. Jane Austen moved to Bath with her father, mother and Cassandra. Then, in 1805, herfather died after a short illness. The family had some financial problems, but in 1809, they settled atJane's brother Edward's cottage in Chawton.ta:ІДNow in her 30s, Jane started to anonymously publish her works. She published Sense and Sensibility in1811, Pride and Prejudice in 1813, Emma in 1815 and Mansfield Park in 1816. The most famous ofthese novels is probably Pride and Prejudice. It is the story of the Bennet family. The Bennets have fivedaughters. They are very different from each other and they all want to get mamied. The main characteris Elizabeth, the second eldest daughter. She has a complicated relationship with the handsome and richbut very proud Mr. Darcy. In the end, they get mamed.In 1816, Jane Austen became ill. She tried to continue writing as long as she could. In May 1817, shewas taken to Winchester to be under the care of a good doctor and she died there on July 18. She wasburied in Winchester Cathedral. A year after her death, her novel Northanger Abbey was published byher brother.HOL1 Read the text and answer the following questions.1 Why did Jane Austen and her sister have to stop studying?2 Where did Jane Austen move in 1801?3 What happened to Jane Austen in 1805?4 How many daughters do the Bennets have?5 What kind of man is Mr Darcy?6 Where did Jane Austen die?7 Who published Northanger Abbey?​

Английский язык


В ходе Северной войны Россия получила выход к Балтийскому морю. Там был основан первый в России город, построенный по европейским канонам. В него была перенесена столица, так как этот город был ближе к Европе и производил лучшее впечатление на иностранцев. Также Петру I требовалась столица на морском побережье — «чтобы гости из других стран могли приплывать к царю по морю, а не преодолевать опасную дорогу до Москвы». Перенос состоялся до формального присоединения земель к России по Ништадтскому договору, таким образом, столица размещалась на территории, формально принадлежащей другому государству.Формального указа, сообразно которому столицей стал Санкт-Петербург, не было.

During the Northern War, Russia gained access to the Baltic Sea. There was founded the first Russian city built by the European standards. It was moved to the capital, as the city was closer to Europe and make a better impression on foreigners. Peter I also needed capital on the coast - "to visitors from other countries could sail to the king of the sea, and not overcome a dangerous way to Moscow." The transfer took place before the formal accession to the land of Russia Nystadt contract, so the capital was located in the territory, formally belonging to another gosudarstvu.Formalnogo decree, according to which the capital was St. Petersburg, was not.

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Jane Austen TaSAкетаJane Austen is one of the most famous English novelists. She was bom on December 16, 1775, inSteventon, Hampshire, England. She was the seventh child of Cassandra and George Austen. Her fatherhad a large library and the children could read a lot of books. Jane was especially dose to her father andto her older sister, Cassandra. Jane and her sister were sent to boarding schools. During this time, theycaught typhus and Jane almost died. After a short period of studying, they had to return home becausethe family didn't have enough money.Jane Austen started writing her own novels in the 1990s. She spent a lot of her time reading, helping herparents, playing the piano, going to the church and meeting her neighbours. She became a very gooddancer. In 1801. Jane Austen moved to Bath with her father, mother and Cassandra. Then, in 1805, herfather died after a short illness. The family had some financial problems, but in 1809, they settled atJane's brother Edward's cottage in Chawton.ta:ІДNow in her 30s, Jane started to anonymously publish her works. She published Sense and Sensibility in1811, Pride and Prejudice in 1813, Emma in 1815 and Mansfield Park in 1816. The most famous ofthese novels is probably Pride and Prejudice. It is the story of the Bennet family. The Bennets have fivedaughters. They are very different from each other and they all want to get mamied. The main characteris Elizabeth, the second eldest daughter. She has a complicated relationship with the handsome and richbut very proud Mr. Darcy. In the end, they get mamed.In 1816, Jane Austen became ill. She tried to continue writing as long as she could. In May 1817, shewas taken to Winchester to be under the care of a good doctor and she died there on July 18. She wasburied in Winchester Cathedral. A year after her death, her novel Northanger Abbey was published byher brother.HOL1 Read the text and answer the following questions.1 Why did Jane Austen and her sister have to stop studying?2 Where did Jane Austen move in 1801?3 What happened to Jane Austen in 1805?4 How many daughters do the Bennets have?5 What kind of man is Mr Darcy?6 Where did Jane Austen die?7 Who published Northanger Abbey?​
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