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Part 1. Choose the correct answer. 1. The author said that it is difficult to read when you are grown up becauseA. Have no time to readB. Spelling is difficult[1]C. Wide range vocabulary2. Really effe...
Автор: salahovta
grammar worksheetpast simplepositives, negatives and questions• write the sentences below in the past simple.1. he goes to bed early. he went to bed early.2. we don't like onions. we didn't like onio...
Автор: Nevstrueva_Vasilevna
Nurlan 1 Whose birthday was it? Nurlan's 2 When was his birthday? 29 3 How old was he? 4 Where was the Treasure Hunt? 5 How many children were there? 6 Where were the sandwiches? 7 Where were the drin...
Автор: Александра Викторович531
5. Sunday6. Monday7. Friday2е) пятницаf) субботаg) воскресенье4673ОлТКАУ sd2. Напиши недостающие буквы.onyesTdySnаа| |у3. Перепиши слова, расставляя их по алфавиту.Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thur...
Автор: MikhailSvetlana
They started quarrelling as soon as their guests a were leaving b left c had left d had been leaving
Автор: Sergei Gaishun
Нужна ваша 30 the sentences about newville using there is / isn't , there are /aren't and a /am , some and any. there aren't any shops near the school flats nexst to the park .2__ flats next ...
Автор: red-sun2
Используйте Passive Voice в предложении. This picture ... by my cousinВыберите правильный ответ:is paintingwere paintedwas paintedto be painted
Автор: Klyucharyova
Пять предложений на английском языке что я уже сделал
Автор: Нина1449
ответьте на вопросы, 1. when do children start going to school in the usa? 2.when does compulsory education begin ? 3. how long does primary education last? 4.what do children do in nursery schools? ...
Автор: zhandarmova
1. You ate a lot of popcorn, ... (don't you?/didn't you?) 2. Cereals is very good for breakfast, ... (isn't it?/is it?)3. He hasn't drunk any milk today, ... (hasn't he/has he?)4. He went to a fast ...
Автор: scorpion21c
1. вставьте was/were (напишите только ответ) vicky, s tenth birthday 2.she the garden 3.her friend in the garden too 4.the day nice 5.we in the park 2. напиши где были вчера (e.g ann/in the park-...
Автор: dimiff5
(ТЕКСТ НА ФОТО) 3 Read the ted again and answer the questions1 When do people usually wear traditional dothed2. What is the dillerence between a married and unmamed woman's kimono?3 How are kilts from...
Автор: petrovichvit2933
Holidays honor people or events. if you could create a new holiday, what person or event would it honor and how would you want people celebrate it?
Автор: Сергей
Скажите превосходную степень слова bad: -)
Автор: nevasoundmsk36
Read the text and complete it with the words below. Sophie: John, can you draw any animals?John: Yes, I can. I can draw a , a hippo and a bird.Sophie: Can you show me?John: Sure! Look! I ama hippo....
Автор: elena