Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
1. After graduating from the Institute Terpigorev worked at the Sulin mines, (where?) 2. In 1922 Terpigorev moved to Moscow and headed the chair at the Moscow Mining Academy, (when ?) 3. The scientist took a particular interest in mine safety, (whatproblem ?) 4. His work Coal Mining and Mine Transport Facilities gives a complete description of the state of mechanization in the Donbaswhat work?) 5. His graduation paper dealt with mining of flat seams in the Don bas. (whatkindofproblem?) Задайте вопросы по образцу, уточина интересующие вас детали:
In summer, the sea is very warm, and do not want to get out of it.
The sea is very beautiful in the summer and reflects the light solar ripples.
It is wide, wide, deep, deep, is unknown, sometimes even a little scary when you look at it for a long timе.
And how nice dip on a hot day in the gentle clear water - and swim, dive, flounder.
People have always liked the sea because of its amazing beauty can not but admire and very nice to plunge on a hot sunny day in the cool sea.