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Прочитай текст и расположите события в правильном порядке The Day the Earth MovedIt was Tuesday, 28th September, 1992. TonyAdams was in Maths class at Parkfield PrimarySchool. Al the students in his class were sittingat their desks and waiting for their teacher toenter the classroom. Some students werereading their books while others were chattingwith their friends. When his teacher MrRobertson amived everyone stopped talkingSuddenly, Tony heard a loud noise and felt theearth move around him. He shouted'Earthquake! Everyone was screaming andrunning towards the door when Mr Robertsontold them to get under their desks. Tony wasterrified. He could hear Suzanne. his best friend, crying, so he reached out and held her handAround a minute later, the classroom stoppedmoving and everyone was quiet. Mr Robertsontold the students that it was safe, so they allstood up. There were books all over the floor butno one was injured.Moments later, all the students walked out intothe playground. Tony felt so relieved that noone was hurt and that the earthquake wasn'tserious. It was a scany day for everyone