
Task: Look at the picture and write a dialog. There are 3 participants in it. XAssessment criteria:1. The dialog contains not less than 10 sentences.2. The sentences are grammatially correct3. All of the participants are involved.4. The dialog contains the parts: introduction, problem, resolution and summary.​

Английский язык


Свой первый день просто отлично. Я получил пятерку и я очень за себя рад. На перемене я общаюсь с друзьями или делаю домашнее задание. У меня нет репетитора, но я собираюсь завести его по некоторым предметам: по английскому, математике и русскому. Почти каждый день я завожу новых друзей, я этому очень рад. В первый день в школе у меня было чувство потерянности, потому что я не имел друзей, но у меня был очень хороший друг из садика, который пошел в один класс со мной. В школе я ношу (вариант девочки: белые колготки, блузку и красивую юбку с небольшой складкой сбоку, а также на блузку. Вариант мальчика: синие брюки и рубашку с галстуком.
His first day was just perfect. I got five and I am very pleased for himself. During the break I talk with friends or doing homework. I do not have a tutor, but I'm going to start it in some subjects: English, mathematics and Russian. Almost every day I was looking for some new friends, I am very happy. On the first day of school I had a feeling of being lost, because I had no friends, but I had a very good friend of the garden, who went to the same class with me. At school, I wear (girls version: white tights, a blouse and a nice skirt with a small fold on the side, as well as blouse boy Option:. Blue trousers and a shirt with a tie.

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Task: Look at the picture and write a dialog. There are 3 participants in it. XAssessment criteria:1. The dialog contains not less than 10 sentences.2. The sentences are grammatially correct3. All of the participants are involved.4. The dialog contains the parts: introduction, problem, resolution and summary.​
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