
Разница между словом study и learn надо. напишите в чём разница и с примерам. ппримеры на . объяснения на .

Английский язык



study - учиться (в школе, в унивеситете) i study at university. i study at school

learn - учить (какой-либо предмет, изучать науку) i learn history. i have learnt by heart this poem.


study употребляется в широком смысле слова. i study math at school.

а второе - получаю навык. i learn to read.

Iam going to drop a line about the book the story which i have read recently. this book is written by the well-known american writer in 1826, james fenimore cooper. name of the book "the last from mohicans". it is the novel. book plot incredibly interesting. the book tells us about two sisters, the young mohican by the name of unkas and his friends who are in the british colony of new york in august, 1757, in the middle of french-indian war. a part of the novel is devoted to events after the attack to a fort william-henry when from acquiescence of french their indian allies cut out several hundreds of given-up anglo-american soldiers and settlers. the hunter and pathfinder natti bampo presented in the first (in the order of action development) the novel the st. john's wort, together with the indian friends from the tribe of mohicans — chingachguk and his son unkas — participate in rescue of two sisters, daughters of the british commander. in the book a few sad, tragic episodes. i couldn't but feel grief and tears during reading. to put it briefly, at the end of the book unkas dies in unsuccessful attempt to save cora, senior of daughters, leaving the father chingachguk to the last of mohicans. я собираюсь написать несколько слов о книге рассказе, который я недавно прочитал.эта книга написана хорошо-известным   американским писателем в 1826 году,джеймсом фенимором купером.название книги «последний из могикан».это роман.сюжет книги невероятно интересный.книга нам о двух сёстрах,молодом могиканине по имени ункас и его друзьях, которые   находяться в британской колонии нью-йорка в августе 1757 года, в разгар франко-индейской войны.часть романа посвящена событиям после атаки на форт уильям-генри, когда с молчаливого согласия французов их индейские союзники вырезали несколько сотен сдавшихся -американских солдат и поселенцев. охотник и следопыт натти бампо, представленный в первом (по порядку развития действия) романе зверобой, вместе со своими друзьями-индейцами из племени могикан — чингачгуком и его сыном ункасом — участвуют в спасении двух сестёр, дочерей британского командира.в книге немного грустных,трагических эпизодов.я не могла не чувствовать грусть и слезы во время чтения.короче говоря,в конце книги ункас погибает в безуспешной попытке спасти кору, старшую из дочерей, оставляя своего отца чингачгука последним из могикан.

what i did last sunday

last sunday i woke up at eight o'clock but i didn't want to get up, so i took my phone and spent next hour checking my social media accounts and scrolling through the news feeds. then i got up because i was hungry. i washed my face and went to the kitchen to have breakfast. mum had already cooked it by the time i got up. i had pancakes with strawberry jam and a big mug of tea.

after breakfast i brushed my teeth and went to my room — i had to finish doing my homework that i had started the day before. it took me about two hours to do it. then i phoned my friend and we decided to go to the cinema after lunch. before lunch i played a new game on my phone. after having lunch with my family i went to the cinema. my friend was waiting for me with the tickets that he had just bought. the film was great and we discussed it all the way home.

in the evening i packed my schoolbag, had supper and did the washing up. then i watched a film on tv, had a shower and went to bed at ten.

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