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Match the creatures with their discriptions Количество связей: 6bull's head and aman's bodyUnicornsbeautiful creatureslike horsesoMinotaursbody of a lion andwings of an eagle half-man, half-horseCentaurshave one eye andhuman bodygryphonsOhalf-man, half-horseChinese dragonsa snake's body, a fish'sscales, a clam'sstomach, a tiger's feet, an eagle's claws, acamel's face, adeer's antlers, a cow'sears and golden eyes.CyclopsO
Unicorns - beautiful creatures like horses
Minotaurs - bull's head and a man's body
Centaurs - half-man, half-horse
Gryphons - body of a lion and wings of an eagle half-man, half-horse
Chinese dragons - последнее
Cyclops - have one eye and human body