Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
PA Exer 1 - Complete the word puzzle with the dues. What is the mystery word? 1 2 2 4 5 6 7 8 1 My friend Matt loves doing Sports He plays football, volleyball and tennis, 2-1 go to bed after midnight so I don't get enough 3 My Mum always says With work and family I never have by myself 4. I spend a lot of time on the Internet chatting with my friends 5 My friend Alex draws comics. She loves doing things 6 Clara loves going to the shopping mall to out with friends 7 We're going to shop for on Saturday 8 Everyone helps the house at the weekend. I hate it! Mystery word: These are all activities that a does.
my daily routine мой распорядок дня
i would like to tell you about may daily routine. я бы хотел рассказать о своем распорядке дня.
it is easy to describe your daily routine because you do the same things every day. описать свой распорядок дня легко, так как ты совершаешь одинаковые действия каждый день.
all weekdays look the same. все будни одинаковые.
every day i wake up early at 8 o’clock/ at 10 o’clock in the morning. каждый день просыпаюсь рано в 8 часов/ в 10 часов утра.
i have a breakfast at 8: 30 a.m. завтракаю в половину девятого утра.
i would like to tell you a few words about my day. хотел бы сказать пару слов о своем дне.
i am an early riser. рано просыпаюсь/ ранняя пташка.
i do the same things every day. делаю одно и то же каждый день.
actually, i am the first to wake up in our family. просыпаюсь раньше всех в семье.
if your daily routine is scheduled, you save time. ты время, если распишешь свой день по пунктам.
my life is agile and intense, therefore my working day is full of activities. жизнь подвижна и насыщена, поэтому мой рабочий день полон событий