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In my blog, I would like to tell you about some beautiful places in the world. Our planet is very unusual, and we have many things to discover. You can see ancient cities, try extreme travelling or swim in the sea and have fun on the beach. Here you will find some facts about the places I am going to visit in summer. First, I will go to Brazil. There I am going to visit Lençóis Maranhenses National Park. It was built in 1981. This park is located in the north of Brazil near the Atlantic Ocean. It is famous for its dunes. The height of some dunes can reach about forty metres. It rains a lot from July till September. The park becomes green and blue because many lagoons appear there.Then I will go to Mexico, to the Cave of the Crystals or the Giant Crystal Cave. This cave is located in the desert Chihuahuan. It is famous for its crystals, the height of the biggest one is about eleven metres. It was found in 2000 by two brothers, but people started to visit it only in 2006. The temperature in the cave can reach 50 degrees Celsius. That’s why you need to wear special costumes to get into the cave.The last place where I want to go in summer is Spotted Lake Kliluk in Canada. It is located in the west of Canada and famous for its spots. There is a lot of mineral salt. That’s why fish cannot live in the lake, only small organisms. In summer, the spots become yellow and green; and grey in winter. Also in summer mineral water becomes solid and you can walk on the lake.1. You can see cities, try extreme travelling or swim in the sea.2. This park is in the north of Brazil near the Atlantic Ocean.3. It is famous for its crystals, the of the biggest one is about eleven metres.
In my blog, I would like to tell you about some beautiful places in the world. Our planet is very unusual, and we have many things to discover. You can see ancient cities, try extreme travelling or swim in the sea and have fun on the beach. Here you will find some facts about the places I am going to visit in summer.
First, I will go to Brazil. There I am going to visit Lençóis Maranhenses National Park. It was built in 1981. This park is located in the north of Brazil near the Atlantic Ocean. It is famous for its dunes. The height of some dunes can reach about forty metres. It rains a lot from July till September. The park becomes green and blue because many lagoons appear there.

Then I will go to Mexico, to the Cave of the Crystals or the Giant Crystal Cave. This cave is located in the desert Chihuahuan. It is famous for its crystals, the height of the biggest one is about eleven metres. It was found in 2000 by two brothers, but people started to visit it only in 2006. The temperature in the cave can reach 50 degrees Celsius. That’s why you need to wear special costumes to get into the cave.

The last place where I want to go in summer is Spotted Lake Kliluk in Canada. It is located in the west of Canada and famous for its spots. There is a lot of mineral salt. That’s why fish cannot live in the lake, only small organisms. In summer, the spots become yellow and green; and grey in winter. Also in summer mineral water becomes solid and you can walk on the lake.

1. You can see
cities, try extreme travelling or swim in the sea.
2. This park is
in the north of Brazil near the Atlantic Ocean.
3. It is famous for its crystals, the
of the biggest one is about eleven metres.
В своем блоге я хочу рассказать вам о некоторых красивых местах мира. Наша планета очень необычна, и нам есть что открыть. Вы можете увидеть древние города, попробовать экстремальные путешествия или искупаться в море и повеселиться на пляже. Здесь вы найдете некоторые факты о местах, которые я собираюсь посетить летом.
Сначала я поеду в Бразилию. Там я собираюсь посетить национальный парк Ленсойс Мараньенсес. Он был построен в 1981 году. Этот парк расположен на севере Бразилии недалеко от Атлантического океана. Он знаменит своими дюнами. Высота некоторых дюн может достигать около сорока метров. С июля по сентябрь идут дожди. Парк становится зелено-синим, потому что здесь появляется много лагун.

Затем я поеду в Мексику, в Пещеру кристаллов или в пещеру гигантских кристаллов. Эта пещера находится в пустыне Чиуауа. Он славится своими кристаллами, высота самого большого из которых составляет около одиннадцати метров. Ее нашли в 2000 году два брата, но люди начали посещать ее только в 2006 году. Температура в пещере может достигать 50 градусов по Цельсию. Поэтому, чтобы попасть в пещеру, нужно надеть специальные костюмы.

Последнее место, куда я хочу поехать летом, - это Пятнистое озеро Клилук в Канаде. Он расположен на западе Канады и славится своими местами. Много минеральной соли. Вот почему в озере не могут жить рыбы, только мелкие организмы. Летом пятна становятся желто-зелеными; а зимой серый. Также летом минеральная вода становится твердой, и по озеру можно гулять.

1. Вы можете увидеть
города, попробуйте экстремальные путешествия или искупайтесь в море.
2. Этот парк
на севере Бразилии у Атлантического океана.
3. Он известен своими кристаллами,
самого большого - около одиннадцати метров.