
1. Выпишете из текста предложения, в которых есть сложное дополнение или сложное подлежащее. Подчеркните их. 2. Выпишете из текста предложения с обстоятельством цели, выраженным инфинитивным комплексом с предлогом FOR. Подчеркните его. Nowadays, there are no boundaries for organized criminal groups. Be¬cause of modern technology and enormous resources, these groups are illegally active worldwide. In fact, organized crime represents a threat to the structure and values of our democratic systems affecting European citizens' security and freedom. Europol was established as the European Union law enforcement organization that handles criminal intelligence. It is to improve the effectiveness and cooperation between the competent authorities of the Member States in preventing and combatting serious international organized crime and terrorism. The mission of Europol is to make a significant contribution to the European Union's law enforcement action against crime with an emphasis on targeting criminal organizations. Europol (the name is a contraction of European Police Office) is the European Union's criminal intelligence agency. The agency started limited operations on January 3, 1994, as the Europol Drugs Unit (EDU In 1998 the Europol Convention was ratified by all the member states and came into force in October. Europol became fully operational on July 1, 1999. It is a support service for the law enforcement agencies of the EU member states. Europol has no executive powers. This means that Europol officials are not entitled to conduct investigations in the member states and may not arrest suspects. For Europol to contribute to the executive measures which are carried out by the relevant national authorities it provides support with its tools – information exchange, intelligence analysis, expertise and training. All the states consider Europol to be a multi-disciplinary agency, comprising not only regular police officers but staff members from the member states’ law enforcement agencies: customs, immigration services, border and financial police, etc. Europol helps to overcome the language barriers in international police cooperation. Any law en¬forcement officer from a member state can address a request to their Europol National Unit (ENU) in her / his mother tongue and receive the answer back in this language. Three different levels of cooperation are possible: the first one is technical cooperation. The next step is strategic cooperation aimed at exchanging general trends in organized crime and how to fight it. The top level of cooperation includes the exchange of personal data and requires the fulfillment of Europol’s standards in the field of data protection and data security.

Английский язык



Даже те, кто никогда английского не изучал, знают, что go – это 'идти'. Но не все так как кажется, потому что глагол go не всегда используется в этом значении. В этой статье мы не будем рассматривать многочисленные смысловые значения глагола go (которых, кстати больше сорока), не будем мы также разбираться в устойчивых сочетаниях с глаголом go (количество которых сложно себе представить). В этой статье мы поговорим о конструкции going to, которая, хотя и включает форму глагола go, служит для выражения совершенно других значений.


Формы оборота to be going to в настоящем времени

Оборот to be going to может использоваться в утвердительной, отрицательной и во формах во всех лицах и числах в настоящем и времени. При этом глагол to be в обороте меняется (спрягается) в соответствии с лицом и числом члена предложения, с которым он согласуется. Подробнее о формах глагола to be читайте здесь: “Глагол to be – главный шарнир в механизме английской грамматики”.

После оборота to be going to может идти любой инфинитив (глагол в начальной форме). Приведем схемы оборота в настоящем времени с разными инфинитивами

I am going to swim. – Я собираюсь поплавать. You are going to be fine. – С тобой все будет в порядке. He (she, it) is going to come back. – Он вернется. We are going to work. – Мы собираемся работать. You are going to get rich. – Вы разбогатеете. They are going to regret it. – Они об этом Останусь ли я здесь? Are you going to help me? – Ты мне? Is he (she, it) going to be here? – Он будет здесь? Are we going to join them? – Мы к ним присоединимся? Are you going to win? – Вы собираетесь выиграть? Are they going to wait? – Они подождут?удачи я старалась :) будет приятно если поставите лишнее можно убрать)

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

1. Выпишете из текста предложения, в которых есть сложное дополнение или сложное подлежащее. Подчеркните их. 2. Выпишете из текста предложения с обстоятельством цели, выраженным инфинитивным комплексом с предлогом FOR. Подчеркните его. Nowadays, there are no boundaries for organized criminal groups. Be¬cause of modern technology and enormous resources, these groups are illegally active worldwide. In fact, organized crime represents a threat to the structure and values of our democratic systems affecting European citizens' security and freedom. Europol was established as the European Union law enforcement organization that handles criminal intelligence. It is to improve the effectiveness and cooperation between the competent authorities of the Member States in preventing and combatting serious international organized crime and terrorism. The mission of Europol is to make a significant contribution to the European Union's law enforcement action against crime with an emphasis on targeting criminal organizations. Europol (the name is a contraction of European Police Office) is the European Union's criminal intelligence agency. The agency started limited operations on January 3, 1994, as the Europol Drugs Unit (EDU In 1998 the Europol Convention was ratified by all the member states and came into force in October. Europol became fully operational on July 1, 1999. It is a support service for the law enforcement agencies of the EU member states. Europol has no executive powers. This means that Europol officials are not entitled to conduct investigations in the member states and may not arrest suspects. For Europol to contribute to the executive measures which are carried out by the relevant national authorities it provides support with its tools – information exchange, intelligence analysis, expertise and training. All the states consider Europol to be a multi-disciplinary agency, comprising not only regular police officers but staff members from the member states’ law enforcement agencies: customs, immigration services, border and financial police, etc. Europol helps to overcome the language barriers in international police cooperation. Any law en¬forcement officer from a member state can address a request to their Europol National Unit (ENU) in her / his mother tongue and receive the answer back in this language. Three different levels of cooperation are possible: the first one is technical cooperation. The next step is strategic cooperation aimed at exchanging general trends in organized crime and how to fight it. The top level of cooperation includes the exchange of personal data and requires the fulfillment of Europol’s standards in the field of data protection and data security.
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