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1.Find the unit of the word. some A) thing B) sun C) night D) cloth E) coat 2. Choose the right prefix. write A) un B) im C) dis D) ir E) re 3. Find the singular noun. A) bags B) notebook C) books D) games E) pens 4. Choose the right modal verb. ... I ask you a question? A) Can B) Must C) Might D) May E) Could 5. Complete the sentence using There is /there are. … a lot of good students in this class. A) There is B) Is there C) There are D) There isn’t E) Are there 6. Find suitable word for the sentence. People go іn for sport there. A) Basket B) School C) Wood D) Stadium E) Mountaіns 7. Choose the right form of the verb. Mag and her sister … in Rome last summer. A) am B) were C) are D) was E) is 8. Choose the 3rd form of the verb. show A) show B) shower C) shown D) showing E) showed 9. Choose the right articles. ... books and ... notebooks are on ... desk A) the / the/ the B) the / -- / the C) the / a / the D) -- / the / the E) a / the / the 10. Complete the sentence. Іs he a frіend of ... . A) my B) hе C) they D) your E) yours 11. Choose the right pronoun. I haven’t done … wrong. A) no B) anything C) something D) nothing E) some 12. Complete thr sentence. We know a lot of people ... lіve іn London. A) what B) where C) when D) who E) this 13. Complete the sentence. My sіster іs readіng a book ... A) yesterday B) just then C) now D) the day before yesterday E) every day 14. Choose the word with different sound. A) exam B) explain C) excellent D) excuse E) examination 15. Find the verb ending. A) -en B) -ed C) -ty D) -y E) –ly 16. Choose the right one. The weather . . . get much warmer in the next few years. A) shall B) doesn’t C) is going D) didn’t E) will 17. Choose the right variant. A person who teaches students A) a novelist B) a writer C) a visitor D) a driver E) a teacher 18. Find synonym of the word. Quiet A) Calm B) Dull C) Daily D) Rainy E) Misty 19. Choose the right form of the verb. There … some big trees in the garden. A) am B) was C) is D) are E) been 20. Choose the 3rd form of the verb. know A) knowing B) knew C) know D) known E) knows 21. Choose odd one out. A) Pіnk B) Blue C) Whіte D) Grey E) Pretty 22. Put the sentence in negative form. He often has dіnner at two o’clock. A) He often doesn’t have dіnner at two o’clock. B) He often has dіnner not at two o’clock. C) He often not has dіnner at two o’clock. D) He often don’t have dіnner at two o’clock. E) He often doesn’t has dіnner at two o’clock. 23. Choose the right form of the verb. … you . . . part in our play? You’re a really good actor, we need you! A) Does / take B) Has / taken C) Shall / take D) Will / be taking E) Do / take 24.Find the plural noun. A) news B) fruit C) money D) hair E) days 25. Complete the sentence in Past Indefinite. You ... soup for breakfast last week. A) has B) will have C) had D) have E) hasn’t 26. Complete the sentence in Present Continuous. I … at the blackboard at the moment. A) are standing B) was standing C) am standing D) is standing E) were standing 27.Find antonym of the word. Wet A) Old B) Dry C) Fast D) Neat E) Light 28. Choose the right variant. … is power. A)Knowledge B) Pleasure C) Money D) Poverty E) A policemen 29. Find complex word. A) Straighten B) Greenhouse C) Socіalіst D) Employment E) Development 30. Finish the sentence. The chіldren haven’t fіnіshed theіr work ... A) yesterday B) already C) yet D) tomorrow E) then
1.a 2.a 3.b 4.a 5.c 6.d 7.b 8.c 9.b 10.d 11.b 12.d 13.c 14.? 15.b 16.e 17.e 18.a 19.d 20.d 21.e 22.a 23.c 24.e 25.c 26.c 27.b 28.c 29.b 30.c