
Grammar in context 1 Draw lines to match the verb forms with the tenses and their uses. Verb form will have done will be doing will have been doing future perfect simple 2 Read the sentences and circle the correct alternative. 1 Susannah will have arrived home by six o'clock. At six o'clock, Susannah will be at home/travelling towards her home 2 Rick will be running his first marathon on 23" March next year. Rick's first marathon will be before 23" March/during 23" March 3 Harry will have been coaching our team for five years in May. In May, Harry will become the team coach for five years complete five years as the team coach. 3 Match each pair of sentences (1-5) to a photo (a e Then complete the sentences with the future continuous, future perfect or future perfecontinuous. 1 Photo: four years' time, she/he (start school). Tense future continuous how long an activity has been in progress before a particular point in the future future perfect continuous activities in progress at a particular point in the future activities/states that will be finished before a particular point in the future b In ten years' time, she/he (study lots of different school subjects). Photo: b In five years' time, she/he 5 Photo: We use it to talk about a two years' time, she/he (win her first big race). (train for the next Olympics). Developir 1 Look at this the task? Compare the the ways of transportation First part: Second par 2 Look at similaritie photos. Sim 2 Photo: a In three years' time, she/he a In two years' time, she/he (retire). (still work in a shop). b in five years' time, she/he (become a shop manager). b In five years' time, she/he (travel around the world for six months). 3 Photo: a In two years' time, she/he (qualify as a chef). b In ten years' time, she/he (manage a restaurant for about two years). Grammar challenge 4 Find ten extra words in the text. My brother is one of those people who will knows exactly where he will be and what he'll be doing at any time in the future. For example, he's going to be go to university to study medicine next year. In five years' time, he'll have been finished his course and he'll be working as a doctor. In ten years' time he'll already be getting married and living with his wife and two children. As soon as they will have enough money, they will buy a big house in the country. I know that when he retires, he will have been worked his entire life. Personally, I'm very different. I will have no idea where l'll be doing in five years' time. I hope I'll have doing a job that I will enjoy, but I don't know what that will be at the moment. 26 Unit 3 I can use the future continuous and future perfect simple and Найти Перевести

Английский язык


Добрый день! Я буду играть роль школьного учителя и помогу вам разобраться с вопросом по грамматике в контексте. Давайте по порядку разберем каждую часть задания. Вопрос 1 просит нарисовать линии, соединяющие формы глагола с временами и их использованиями. Форма глагола "will have done" соотносится с временем "future perfect simple". Это время используется, чтобы говорить о действиях, которые будут завершены к определенному моменту в будущем. Вопрос 2 предлагает прочитать предложения и выбрать правильный вариант. Первое предложение говорит о том, что Сюзанна доберется домой к шести часам. В шесть часов она будет уже дома. Второе предложение рассказывает о том, что Рик примет участие в своем первом марафоне 23 марта следующего года. Его первый марафон будет до 23 марта. Вопрос 3 требует соединить пары предложений с фотографиями и дополнить предложения будущим продолжительным (future continuous), будущим совершенным (future perfect) или будущим совершенным продолжительным (future perfect continuous). В первом предложении говорится о том, что через четыре года она будет начинать школу. Во втором предложении говорится о том, что через пять лет она будет изучать множество различных школьных предметов. В третьем предложении говорится о том, что через два года она станет поваром. Мы также видим вопрос "Grammar challenge", который предлагает найти десять лишних слов в тексте. Я предлагаю разобрать этот вопрос после обсуждения предыдущих пунктов. Надеюсь, этот ответ поможет вам понять вопрос по грамматике в контексте. Если у вас есть какие-либо вопросы, не стесняйтесь задавать.

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Grammar in context 1 Draw lines to match the verb forms with the tenses and their uses. Verb form will have done will be doing will have been doing future perfect simple 2 Read the sentences and circle the correct alternative. 1 Susannah will have arrived home by six o'clock. At six o'clock, Susannah will be at home/travelling towards her home 2 Rick will be running his first marathon on 23" March next year. Rick's first marathon will be before 23" March/during 23" March 3 Harry will have been coaching our team for five years in May. In May, Harry will become the team coach for five years complete five years as the team coach. 3 Match each pair of sentences (1-5) to a photo (a e Then complete the sentences with the future continuous, future perfect or future perfecontinuous. 1 Photo: four years' time, she/he (start school). Tense future continuous how long an activity has been in progress before a particular point in the future future perfect continuous activities in progress at a particular point in the future activities/states that will be finished before a particular point in the future b In ten years' time, she/he (study lots of different school subjects). Photo: b In five years' time, she/he 5 Photo: We use it to talk about a two years' time, she/he (win her first big race). (train for the next Olympics). Developir 1 Look at this the task? Compare the the ways of transportation First part: Second par 2 Look at similaritie photos. Sim 2 Photo: a In three years' time, she/he a In two years' time, she/he (retire). (still work in a shop). b in five years' time, she/he (become a shop manager). b In five years' time, she/he (travel around the world for six months). 3 Photo: a In two years' time, she/he (qualify as a chef). b In ten years' time, she/he (manage a restaurant for about two years). Grammar challenge 4 Find ten extra words in the text. My brother is one of those people who will knows exactly where he will be and what he'll be doing at any time in the future. For example, he's going to be go to university to study medicine next year. In five years' time, he'll have been finished his course and he'll be working as a doctor. In ten years' time he'll already be getting married and living with his wife and two children. As soon as they will have enough money, they will buy a big house in the country. I know that when he retires, he will have been worked his entire life. Personally, I'm very different. I will have no idea where l'll be doing in five years' time. I hope I'll have doing a job that I will enjoy, but I don't know what that will be at the moment. 26 Unit 3 I can use the future continuous and future perfect simple and Найти Перевести
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