Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
1) Complete the sentences with the words: strict, overjoyed, smooth- running, cracked, enforce, charge, corset, filthy, engrossing 1 The lady of the house has very rules regarding the servants. 2 The skin on her hands was from all the cleaning she had done. 3 Her hands were from working in the garden all day. 4 As head butler it is John's job to all the rules of the house. 5 She wore a to make her waist appear smaller. 6 She was to get the job of chef at a top restaurant. 7 It was such a(n) - conversation that no one did any work. 8 She expects a(n) household with no problems. 9 She was put in of the other servants. 2) Complete the sentences, using the words: so as not, as soon, as a result, despite, in order, even though. (You can use the same phrases not only once 1 she was cleaning all day, the house still looked dirty. 2 as Mary arrived at the house, she started cleaning right away. 3 being exhausted from work, Tom made dinner. 4 The maid cleaned the glass carefully to break it. 5 Karen cooked a fancy dinner to impress her guests. 6 The butler broke an expensive vase and he had to pay for it.
Captain Hook is a formidable and cunning villain. Captain Hook wears a red frock coat, red pants, and black shoes. And on his head is a wide hat. Instead of a right hand, he has an iron hook, which he leads his team. The captain's skin is pale, has thick black hair, curled in curls that fall over his shoulders, and his eyes are blue.
Капитан Крюк - грозный и хитрый злодей. Капитан Крюк носит красный сюртук, красные штаны и чёрные туфли. А на голове его широкая шляпа. Вместо правой руки у него железный крюк, которым он руководит своей командой. Кожа капитана бледная, имеет густые чёрные волосы, завитые в локоны, спадающие на плечи, а глаза его голубого цвета.