стэнд он ё хэд!
стэнд он ё хэндз!
бенд ё низ!
тач ё tоуз!
сит он зе граунд!
тач ё ноуз!
I live in a beautiful neighbourhood. It's green and clean. There are a lot of trees, bushes and flowers in it. There is a set of shops and cafes. On the other side of the street just opposite my house there is a building of a bank and a post office. Near it there is a "ring" stop of route taxi. Behind the "ring" there is a railway station. Close to the railway station there is a shopping centre. In the shopping centre there is a cafe. In the building where I live there is a drug store. There is also a cinema not far from our house. We also have a new swimming pool in our neighbourhood. It is beautiful. I think we have really a very convenient neighbourhood.
ответ:friends and family are very important to me With friends I play and communicate we do a lot of things together With family we watch movies together and walk to the sea and so on friends or family I could never choose because friends are also my family
Объяснение друзья и семья для меня очень важны С друзьями я играю и общаюсь мы много всего делаем вместе С семьей мы вместе смотрим фильмы и гуляем ходим на море и тд друзья или семья я никогда бы не смог выбрать ведь друзья это тоже моя семья
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Stand on your head! stand on your hands! bend your knees! touch your toes! sit on the ground! touch your nose! ! как читается буквами!
стенд он йор хед!
стенд он йор хендс!
бенд йор нис!
тач йор тоус!
сит он зе граунд!
тач йор ноус!