1. write the word.2. go to the blackboard, please.3. please take the baby.4. don't talk, please.5. not in a hurry.6. let's go slower. 7. let him go.8. try a slice of that pie, please.9. please do not make noise so much.10. stay right where you are.11. don't shoot! 12. go! 13. come, please out of the room.14. could you clear the table? 15. don't waste time! 16. please do not leave the gate open.17. richard, don't climb trees in their new pants.18. let us read this verse again.19. would you like me to open this box.20. read the offer, john, and tell me if it is.21. be careful! think, then answer
1. write a word.2. go to the board, please.3. take the child.4. do not talk, please.5. do not rush.6. let's go slowly.7. let it go.8. try a slice of that pie, please.9. please do not make noise so much.10. stay right where you are.11. do not shoot! 12. get out! 13. go out, please, out of the room.14. could you clear the table? 15. do not waste time! 16. please do not leave vorogov open.17. richard, do not climb trees in his new trousers.18. let's read the verse again.19. could you tell me to open the box.20. read the sentences, john, and tell me whether it is correct.21. be careful! think about it, and then answer.