Напротив дома парламента расположено вестминстерское аббатство. это национальная святыня, где короновались короли и королевы и где захоронены знаменитые люди. оно было основано эдвардом духовником в 1550 году. конструкции больше 300 лет. одно из величайших сокровищ аббатства это дубовый стул для коронаций, сделанный в 1300 году. около западной двери аббатства в простой могиле лежит неизвестный солдат, означающий память людям, которые умерли в первой мировой войны. мемуары г. г. байрона, р. бернса, в. шекспира, в.м. тракерея, в. скотта
1. what could the partners do if they are "active"? they could i nvolve in the company's business.2. what could the partners do if they are "sleeping"? t hey could invest money in the company and receive a share of the profits, but do not concern themselves with the company's business affairs. 3. what do the shareholders receive? they receive one dividend (part of the profit) per share. 4. what types of joinstock companies do exist? 1 - public limited company 2- private limited company 5. how does a joint-stock company count from a legal point of view? as a separate person. 6. by whom are the shares of a private company held? by specially chosen persons or companies. 7. what types of partnership do exist? 1-general or ordinary partnership 2 - limited or special partnership 8. what are the differences of the limited partnership? the limited partners do not run the risk of losing their personal property if the company goes bankrupt. 9. how many persons could held a private limited company? one 10. what is the minimum amount of share capital in england? £50,000
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2и 3 put the verb into the correct form, present continuous or present simple