Надо написать про фильм, который вы смотрели по плану (1 его жанр, 2 сюжет, 3 главные герои, 4 рекомендации) на не мультик, а именно фильм (чтобы подходил для 5го класса)
my favourite movie is "green elephant". it's a comedy about two men who locked in a room like a fufels. other notable heroes are the captain and the guard, who later becomes the colonel. this movie is very heartwarming and hilarious. the last ten minutes of this film are amazing and always give me an erection. i recommend it to every person, especially to women and children.
1) what is your favorite school subject? (какой твой любимый школьный предмет? ) 2) what subject you don't like the most? (какой предмет тебе не нравится больше всего? 3) what is your mark in maths? (какая у тебя оценка по ? ) 4) what do you like in english language? (что тебе нравится в языке? ) 5) do you want to become a teacher in future? (хотел бы ты стать учителем в будущем? ) 6) what subject do you want to be a teacher of? (учителем какого предмета ты бы хотел стать? ) приятного списывания ; )
1)sport plays a big role in my life. yeah, i play volleyball and know how to roller skate. yes, i participated in wushu competitions. i took second place. 2)because many people want to look good and have good health. 3)sport helps me keep in shape because when you exercise all the muscles come in tone. 4)in the uk popular games such as rugby, golf, tennis, curling and snooker, and in russia's popular hockey, football, volleyball, figure skating. 5)i like hockey, tennis and figure skating. 6)no i can't call myself a fan because i don't always watch all the matches and in general i like to cook more. 7)yes, i have watched competitions at the stadium. it was very exciting, everyone is screaming around and eat chips. 8)yeah, i know. for example, the olympic games. there are competing countries in different sports. 9)i know a couple of winter and summer sports. summer: football, baseball, golf. winter: hockey, figure skating, bobsled. 10)in my opinion the most beautiful sport is figure skating. the most dangerous box. the most healthy it's football. the most interesting to watch is hockey. the least interesting to view tennis.
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Надо написать про фильм, который вы смотрели по плану (1 его жанр, 2 сюжет, 3 главные герои, 4 рекомендации) на не мультик, а именно фильм (чтобы подходил для 5го класса)
my favourite movie is "green elephant". it's a comedy about two men who locked in a room like a fufels. other notable heroes are the captain and the guard, who later becomes the colonel. this movie is very heartwarming and hilarious. the last ten minutes of this film are amazing and always give me an erection. i recommend it to every person, especially to women and children.