Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Расскрыть дужки, применяя глаголы в активной или пассивной форме. 1. if you work really hard, your examinations (to pass) next month. 2. usually people (to start) school at the age of 6 or 7. 3. these ridiculous rules (to do away) soon. 4. great progress (to make) for the last two hundred years. 5. she (to take) into the classroom where other boys and girls (to sit 6. their teacher (to call) mr. edward smirk and he never (to raise) his voice. he seldom (to see) smiling. 7. pocket calculators usually (not to allow) at this college. 8. tomorrow a young scientist will be disappointed as he (to forget) to make the new timetable today. 9. he was 13 when he (to send) to eton college. 10. look! my group mates already (to test) their mental power. 11. by the time the bell rang, fussy schoolchildren (to sit) at their desks. 12. on sunday the boy (to speak) to his parents and they (to impress) by their son's marks at school. 13. they (to give) us the lecture which (to prepare) before the lesson.
перевод текста:
в среду утром питер встает в половине восьмого. он выходит из дома в восемь. затем он встречает своего друга андрея, присоединяется к нему, и они идут на урок музыки. кстати, они тоже смеются над своими любимыми песнями. они идут домой в половине двенадцатого, и делают уроки.
1)what time does peter get up on wednesday?
2)what time does peter leave home
3)what is the name of peter’s friend
4)who is peter going to music class with
5)what are they laughing at
6)what time do they go home
7)what do they do after they get home
8)where do they go when they meet each other
9)where do they go after music lessons
10)what does peter do at half past seven on wednesday