
Correct the errors.*1you are studying? 2is they swimming? 3yes, i'm4is eating she paella5no, they isn't6are he working? ​

Английский язык



are you studying?

are they swimming?

yes,i am(правильно)

is she eating paella?

no, they aren't

is he working?


are you studying?

are they swimming?

yes, i do

is she eating paella?

no, they aren't

is he working?

Population aging the first relates to demography. the generation of people born in the 60s, the last surge of postwar baby boomers approaching retirement age; the generation born in the 50s has largely eliminated from the labor process. in their stead come born in the 90s - namely, those years have to a minimum of birth. in other words, the proportion of pensioners in relation to the share of workers will grow rapidly in the coming years. this will inevitably lead - against the backdrop of stagnating domestic economy - to a reduction in pensions and an increase in the retirement age. the additional increase in the age of working citizens happens due to the active development of medicine. this factor is very strong in the west, would be far less significant in russia. however, it will act on our country: the disease and the age limit will be far less than the limit disabled worker than before. in the labor market, this trend will be reflected in the form of a kind of "depreciation" of experience: young and active can become more valuable competitive advantage than the experience that, and so will have a majority of able-bodied citizens. на старение населения первый из них касается демографии. поколение людей, рождённых в 60-е, последний всплеск послевоенного беби-бума, приближается к пенсионному возрасту; поколение рождённых в 50-е уже в значительной степени устранилось из трудового процесса. на смену им приходят рождённые в 90-е – а именно на эти годы приходится минимум рождаемости. иными словами, доля пенсионеров по отношению к доле работающих стремительно вырастет в ближайшие годы. это неизбежно – на фоне стагнирующей отечественной – к уменьшению пенсий и увеличению пенсионного возраста. дополнительное увеличение возраста работающих граждан произойдёт за счёт активного развития медицины. этот фактор, сильный на западе, окажется куда менее значимым в россии. тем не менее, он подействует и на нашу страну: болезни и возрастные ограничения будут куда меньше ограничивать трудоспособность работника, чем раньше. на рынке труда эта тенденция отразится в виде своеобразного «обесценивания» опыта: молодость и активность могут стать более ценным конкурентным преимуществом, чем опыт, которым и так будет обладать большинство трудоспособных граждан.
My name is marianna. i am 13 years old. i study in a secondary school at the 7th grade. we have a friendly and united class. there are 26 pupils in our class and i am in good relations with almost all of them. i can say that i’m quite a sociable person and i have lots of friends both among my classmates and within my neighborhood. my class is rather important for me because i spend the majority of my time at school. we don’t only have lessons together, but we also attend additional school activities. some of our pupils go in for sport trainings, some attend arts and crafts classes and some participate in school theatre. surprisingly, there are a lot of talented and interesting pupils in our class. personally i take part in school theatre. we often rehearse new plays and when the school celebrates something we present these plays on stage. the principle of our school appreciates it and he says that we have a good group of actors. my best friend’s name is lena. she is my classmate and we share the same desk at the lessons. lena attends arts and crafts classes. she is quite good at it and they sometimes organize school exhibitions. in my opinion, this positive atmosphere in our class is the result of our class teacher’s hard work. she is a great teacher and she often gathers us together for different occasions, which unite us as a class. for example, last week we had a small tea party after lessons, to celebrate a birthday of one of our classmates. sometimes we even meet up in the city at weekends simply to chat or to have a walk.

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Correct the errors.*1you are studying? 2is they swimming? 3yes, i'm4is eating she paella5no, they isn't6are he working? ​
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