2.34 complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. then listen and check.
a: can i ask you a few questions?
b: yes, sure.
a: ok, first question: what would you do (do) if you (won) a tv talent show?
b: wow! i think i'd have a huge party with all my friends and family!
a: and if you 3. (had) a party, where would you (have) it?
b: i'd definitely have it on a beach, if i could!
a: ok, second question. if you 5. (could) be famous, what 6 would you (be)?
b: i don't know. i'd like to be a singer maybe.
a: ok. last question. if you 7. (did not have to) go to school, what would you (do) all day?
b: that's easy! i'd play my guitar, listen to music and spend time with my friends!
a: thank you!
1. what a difficult phoneme! 2. what (ничего) deep snow! 3. what (ничего) easy sentences these are! 4. what a hot water! 5. what a cold evening! 6. what an intelligent girl she is! 7. what (ничего) good ideas you have! 8. what a beautiful music joanne is playing! 9. what (ничего) dark eyes your son has! 10. what a silly mistake you have made! 11. what a pleasure to meet you again! 12. what a pretty girl! 13. what a pity you can’t come! 14. what a tasty coffee! 15. what a talented writer he is! 16. what a lovely hair you have! 17. what a disappointment not to be able to talk to the manager now! 18. what the luck to catch the last train! 19. what a fresh air! 20. what a comfort to have such nice children! 21. what a rare bird! 22. what a nonsense!
ЛАРИСА Насоновская231
1)почему книги толстые ? - why are the books thick? 2)зачем в книге содержание ? - why is the content in the book? 3)почему пушкин знаменитый писатель ? - why is pushkin a famous writer? 4)бывают книги о еде ? -are there books about food? 5)сколько я прочитал книг ? -how many books have i read? 6)почему рассказы в книгах такие длинные ? -why are the stories in the books so long? 7)сейчас всё ещё пишут книги ? - are they still writing books? 8)сколько людей прочитали мою любимую книгу ? -how many people read my favorite book? 9)а есть книга о здоровье ? -i s there a book about health? 10)все любят книги ? - everyone loves books?
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Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. then listen and check.
2.34 complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. then listen and check.
a: can i ask you a few questions?
b: yes, sure.
a: ok, first question: what would you do (do) if you (won) a tv talent show?
b: wow! i think i'd have a huge party with all my friends and family!
a: and if you 3. (had) a party, where would you (have) it?
b: i'd definitely have it on a beach, if i could!
a: ok, second question. if you 5. (could) be famous, what 6 would you (be)?
b: i don't know. i'd like to be a singer maybe.
a: ok. last question. if you 7. (did not have to) go to school, what would you (do) all day?
b: that's easy! i'd play my guitar, listen to music and spend time with my friends!
a: thank you!