Вопросительные: what will happen tomorrow? when will our planet disappear? who will create robots? what will happen in 2020 year? will you be swimming in the river with your friends at this time tomorrow? утвердительные: i will learn read. i will be free tonight. she‘ll take english lessons twice a week. i am going to travel around the world. i’ll have written the letter by 7 o’clock. отрицательные: he won't come. we won't play. they won't help. i will not be swimming in the river with my friends at this time tomorrow. it won't rain tomorrow. (+) i will (i'll) - я буду you will (you'll) - ты будешь/ вы будете he will (he'll) - он будет she will (she'll) - она будет it will (it'll) - он/ она будет (неодушевлённые) we will (we'll) - мы будем they will (they'll) - они будут i will not (i won't) - я не буду you will not (you won't) - ты не будешь/ вы не будете he will not (he won't) - он не будет she will not (she won't) - она не будет it will not (it won't) - он/ она не будет (неодушевлённые) we will not (we won't) - мы не будем they will not (they won't) - они не будут will i ли я will you ли ты / будете ли вы will he ли он will she ли она will it ли он/ она ) will we ли мы will they ли они
1) on that voyage he arrived in cuba.2) i think they will hunt for hares there.3)you should hope for the best.4) they thought the land where they lived belonged to them.5) native america fought for their land against the europeans.6) they walked in the forest and came to a beautiful lake.1) you will see the statue of liberty if you come to liberty island. 2) if you come to your english classes regularly, your english will become better. 3) when you come to the usa, i will show you many interesting things. 4)jane will discover a lot of new things when she watches this film. 5) we will go skiing if it is not very cold tomorrow. 6) they will drive you to your country house if you ask them.