at the present moment there are 7 govermnent holidays in russia. among them are those left from previous historiс eras and those related to the modern day. there are more days off than there are government holidays. for eхample, christmas is not a government holiday but it is a day off
the russian word «праздник» comes from праздный or пустой (empty) and means a day free from work. in fact holidays in a stream of working days are a good time to rest. at the same time they are socially and culturally important allowing generations to pass on traditions.among russian holidays there are official and unofficial, old and new, religious and not, professional and family-oriented ones. at this time non-working days are 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th of january - so called new year vacation (новогодние каникулы), 7th of january - christmas day (рождество) , 23rd of february - day of fatherland defender (день защитника отечества), 8th of march - international women's day (международный женский день), 1st of may - sprin and labor holiday (праздник весны и труда), 9th of may - victory day (день победы), 12th of june - day of russian (день россии), 4th of november - day of people's unity (день народного единства).
Yelena Dilyara
1. там забастовку на больнице. 2. мы всегда идем церковь по воскресеньям. 3. я люблю путешествовать вниз нила насколько луксор. 4. джордж имеет возможность подработки. он работает в три утра неделю. 5. хотели бы вы " яблоко"? 6. как часто вы посещаете стоматолога? 7. не могли бы вы закрыть дверь, ? 1. там страйк на лікарні. 2. ми завжди йдемо церкву по неділях. 3. я люблю подорожувати вниз нілу наскільки луксор. 4. джордж має можливість підробітку. він працює в три ранку тиждень. 5. хотіли б ви " яблуко"? 6. як часто ви відвідуєте стоматолога? 7. не могли б ви закрити двері, будь ласка?
Africa the hottest continent - африка самый жаркий материк the continent eurasia shares on two parts - материк евразия делится на две части australia the smallest continent - австралия самый маленький материк antarctica - the coldest continent- антарктида самый холодный материк earlier south america and north america were one continent - раньше южная америка и северная америка были одним материком all continents are rich with the features - все материки богаты своими особенностями
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at the present moment there are 7 govermnent holidays in russia. among them are those left from previous historiс eras and those related to the modern day. there are more days off than there are government holidays. for eхample, christmas is not a government holiday but it is a day off
the russian word «праздник» comes from праздный or пустой (empty) and means a day free from work. in fact holidays in a stream of working days are a good time to rest. at the same time they are socially and culturally important allowing generations to pass on traditions.among russian holidays there are official and unofficial, old and new, religious and not, professional and family-oriented ones. at this time non-working days are 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th of january - so called new year vacation (новогодние каникулы), 7th of january - christmas day (рождество) , 23rd of february - day of fatherland defender (день защитника отечества), 8th of march - international women's day (международный женский день), 1st of may - sprin and labor holiday (праздник весны и труда), 9th of may - victory day (день победы), 12th of june - day of russian (день россии), 4th of november - day of people's unity (день народного единства).