Parents are always eager to help their child. since birth, they take care of it and do everything to make him happy. when the child is small, it communicates with the other kids in the garden, on the street, and later - in school. growing up, the teenager is looking for his own company. and then parents begin to worry and can intervene. they believe it is better to know who should be friends of their child. i think it is wrong. choosing friends to their children, they are deprived of their choice and give rise to quarrels. after all, every teenager from childhood to obey their parents, but eventually wants independence. perhaps if parents will always decide for the children, they will always be dependent on someone else's opinion. but this does not mean that the parents do not have to listen. i believe that a teenager should choose his own friends, but at the same time quietly to hear the views of parents and if the company they do not like, do not show aggression, and try to figure out, maybe they're right. parents, in turn, do not strictly prohibit the child to communicate with someone. they should leave him the right choice. the teenager will understand later if his company is bad., but he gains experience and at other times will know which friends suits him. !
Let me talk about something for example about a trip. yeah, everyone likes to go away from a dusty city! if i had to choose the place to go i would probaby focus on other countries. like china or europe. of course,i would get there by plain because it's the most comfortable way. i dont think i would stop off at a hotel, because it takes big money. i would choose a hostel. oh.. i would walk down the local streets, try national cusine and i'd like to get to know people living there. my time isnt over yet, so i hope i'll travel much!
ответ: it's the most interesting
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