5 rules for teachers
1. the teacher must at all times respect the dignity of each of their students and to form his feeling. he must see in every student creative, evolving personality and support his desire for self-improvement.2. fairness in the assessment of knowledge and behavior of students - one of the most important regulators of moral relations. the teacher should be demanding to the students, but it demands to be positive, coupled with respect, warmth, one that can be understood, understood his pupils. the teacher should bring to students feasible requirements and avoid blind obedience to these requirements, the fight against the servility of children in relationships with other people. however, we must educate schoolchildren and qualities such as demanding of themselves, self-criticism.3. assistance to children in difficult moments - one of the moral norms governing relations between teachers and pupils. the teacher should be in helping children absolute unselfishness, amounting at times to sacrifice. his duty - to be sensitive to children covered by mental confusion, not to cause the child unnecessary heartache.4. spare the feelings of schoolchildren and protect the weak, shy of ridicule and offensive attacks of ill-mannered fellow, to prevent the manifestation of irony when children curiosity - one of the most important rules that should guide the teacher in the relationship with the students.5. the teacher should not abuse the trust of the student. this causes the last deeply traumatic. he should not use the child as an informant on the behavior of children in the classroom and outside of school. it is despicable and contrary to human morality. impartiality, minimum or no suspicion of her - a mandatory rule for the teacher.note: the teacher does not have to share their students on your favorite and least favorite. anger at the indiscretions of children should not grow into a dislike to him.
5 rules for students
1. students are required to attend the classes with all necessary for them books and other educational notebooks and writing materials. before each lesson, they should put in order and make the ones that will be needed for this lesson.2. in relation to each other, students should be polite, friendly, helpful. prohibited fights and other abuses of power. pupils must refrain and restrain other as comrades in school so outside of any kind of actions inconsistent with the title of the student. unacceptable incitement to any friends or evil actions.3. prohibited the use of students in speech obscene words and expressions.4.uchaschiesya must unconditionally fulfill requirements of teachers and school staff, the charge of caring for the education and upbringing of students. at the entrance to the school teachers and visitors to the class, as well as at the exit of the class students must get up from their seats.5.uchaschiesya schools must meet the requirements of good faith, the duty of the school to maintain cleanliness and order in the walls of the education and its territory to prevent violations of sanitary and hygienic standards.
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Решить по : find the unnecessary world in each sentence. 1. call reception and tell to them that we are checking out tomorrow. 2. after you have packed your suitcase, carry it around to see how to much heavy it feels. 3. on the every second day of the trip we went to see the ruins of the temple. 4. we missed out our flight but we managed to get our money back. 5. if you are going for camping, take my advice and pack carefully! 6. slow down; you are exceeding over the limit. 7. have some extra plastic bags as to keep clean and dirty clothes separate. 8. they aet right out for rome early the next morning.
a little about communication: communication can be considered as one of most important and basic needs of human beings. it can be defined as exchange of information between entities. usually when we say "communication" we imagine things connected with verbal communication, like talking on phones, listening to radio, etc. verbal communication needs language; however it is not the only type of communication. also non-verbal communication exists which does not need language and ideas can be expressed independent of a language. non-verbal communication is always connected with the senses of humans, because through that senses one gets information.through the sense of sight we can see motion, colours, shapes, which are all means of non-verbal communication. the sense of hearing is usually thought to be more verbal than non-verbal, but it is proved that many feelings like calmness or cheerfulness can be communicated through using some rhythmic sounds. some people think that sense of smell can recall our memory best of the others. sense of taste is connected with the sense of smell, and tasting food and drink can communicate friendship, agreement and approval. sense of touch is also used as a mean of communication. examples are a kiss, a handshake, a hug, etc. communication in an organization: communication plays central role in every organization especially it is important for management as it is necessary for effective management. it has been shown that communication, especially oral skills have significant impact on success in business environment.study of stanford university mba graduates was carried out and it showed that good communication is the most important skill for success in business. communication is considered to be the organization’s oxygen, blood, brain, central nervous system, arteries, highways for transacting a business, fuel or glue. these comparisons all show how important is the communication in management.