what gives the elimination of moisture from the timber?
что дает удаление влаги из древесины?
Iwant to tell you how i spent my summer. instead of sitting at home watching a tv and playing computer games. i went to the garden for help my mother and grandmother . but other than that, i went to the stables, the equestrian club which is not far from us. there i spent whole days with horses. i cleaned, trained and rode horses. soon i was given a position of the horses riding instructor and i officially got this job. we often went swimming,i taught horse riding to other people.in general there were a lot of adventure. me for the first time life kicked the horse, i was the first time in years, fell from a horse and also broke my toe. but despite this , i will remember summer at the best. it was a very valuable experience i working with horses, which in the future i can be useful . also,thanks to this equestrian club, i met many interesting people, had loved, and now communicate today. i very glad to have spent this summer so, instead of sitting at home all day, and i certainly not bored, cause it was just once. now when school started , i very bored those times. my life again has become boring and gloomy. really want to go back to 3 months ago
Captain america is the latest superhero from the first generation of comic book heroes of america. cap was born in march 1941, when in the midst was the second world war, in which states soon joined. captain america was on the side of good and so the first enemy of captain america was not a fictional character and the specific hitler. then there was baron zemo, as a representative of the third reich, resembling something of a crank with a hammer from the movie "resident evil 4". the shield, according to the legend, captain america got some little from president roosevelt. then captain america (after the war) had to fight with communism, which is itself defeated by democracy and liberalism of the cave without captain america. then captain america went from the political struggle to fight against villains like all the superheroes. his fight against evil was reflected in movies, cartoons, computer games. here he is captain america and the first four superheroes, who began to create a new culture in art in america, and then of all mankind. it gets better, but these characters have already inscribed themselves in history. in the next part we will talk about the superheroes that appeared in the sixties (spider-man) seventies (wolverine) and eighties (tmnt), which will open a new era and create new idols. капитан америка – последний супергерой из первого поколения комиксных героев америки. кэп появился на свет в марте 1941 года, когда в разгаре была вторая мировая война, в которую штаты вскоре вступили. капитан америка был на стороне добра и поэтому первым врагом капитана америки был не вымышленный персонаж, а конкретный гитлер. потом появился барон земо, как представитель третьего рейха, напоминающий чем-то чудака с молотом из фильма «обитель зла 4». щит, по легенде капитан америка получил немного ни мало от президента рузвельта. потом капитан америка (после войны) переключился на борьбу с коммунизмом, который сам себя победил демократией и пещерным либерализмом без капитана америки. потом капитан америка перешел от политической борьбы к борьбе со злодеями, как и все супергерои. его борьба со злом стала отражаться в кино, мультфильмах, компьютерных играх. вот такой он капитан америка и первые четыре супергероя, которые начали создавать новую культуру в искусстве америки и потом всего человечества. дальше – круче, но эти персонажи уже навсегда вписали себя в . в следующей части мы расскажем о супергероях, которые появились в шестидесятые (человек-паук) семидесятые (росомаха) и восьмидесятые (черепашки-ниндзя), которые откроют новую эпоху и создадут новых кумиров.
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What gives the elimination of moisture from the timber? исправить порядок слов в предложении
what gives the elimination of moisture from the timber?
что дает удаление влаги из древесины?