each day from summery of the news we hear the mentionings of scientist, who created new technologies.
some are new technologies firmly fall into our life, and we already can not dispense with them, for instance, mobile telephone, in a complicated way present the mankind without mobile technology presently. some are on the contrary forgotten and are used in rather narrow circle specialist, in study of cosmos for instance. offer the review from 5 new technologies which, will firmly fall into our life in the opinion of most competent authorities.possible say that robots already firmly fell into our life. but while that, robots are used basically on production for automation. in the world future robots will firmly fall into our life and will, on such level, either as mobile technologies. already presently roboticses of the whole world hard work on creation of such models, which possible use in public sector. they will bring us coffee, sort the mail, help to understand with paper in office and always will exactly know, where and what document lies the robots will even service the client in shop. on given moment is considered by the most ingenious model robot hrp-4 japanese companies kawada industries. the companies not yet ready to introduce the robot in their own offices, but this deal of time.
They pay the tax on time, liable for any further payment.if … will be we are moving to a new office the present building is too small. becausewe appointed mary, we think will be a good research director. who we will raise our prices raw material costs go up. if we earned enough money we could expand into new areas. so they had good advertising, the product would be a success. if we reduce costs, we can focus on productivity. afteri would like to know your train arrives. when i work for arcop company makes car components. which this is good location many of or customers are very close. because we have a strong export market our sales are still good. where the woman said our collection was fine is the editor of style magazine.whowe depend on magazine publicity, increases our international reputation.which people travel a lot on business make many business trips. who i have read your analysis, i totally agree with. which i’m leaving i can’t get promotion. because don’t press the button the green light goes on. untilthis shows the machine is not ready. thatturnover will increase profits won’t rise. but government need to raise money often introduce taxes. that turnover has decreased, profits have remained stable. although the md said the company was making good profits. that there is no time to lose, we have to do something quickly. so john works for the company makes computers. which many companies are in a similar position, our costs are especially high. though
Iii. заполните в подходящем предлога или постпозиции. г-жа лаура тейлор является человек, который действительно верит ходишь. ей 45, но выглядит как минимум на 10 лет моложе. теперь послушайте ее . "все это началось около двух лет назад те дни вещи были разные. я имела избыточный вес. я никогда не получала каких-либо . я использовала, чтобы остаться весь день дома. я никогда не выходила свежий воздух, за исключением того, чтобы делать покупки. однажды я смотрела сама зеркало. "боже мой" подумала я. я выгляжу ужасно. в время я полностью изменила мою жизнь. я начала бегать трусцой парк, делала йоги фитнес-центр и ела меньше мяса, но больше овощей. я потеряла вес и чувствовала себя гораздо здоровее, чем раньше.
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each day from summery of the news we hear the mentionings of scientist, who created new technologies.
some are new technologies firmly fall into our life, and we already can not dispense with them, for instance, mobile telephone, in a complicated way present the mankind without mobile technology presently. some are on the contrary forgotten and are used in rather narrow circle specialist, in study of cosmos for instance. offer the review from 5 new technologies which, will firmly fall into our life in the opinion of most competent authorities.possible say that robots already firmly fell into our life. but while that, robots are used basically on production for automation. in the world future robots will firmly fall into our life and will, on such level, either as mobile technologies. already presently roboticses of the whole world hard work on creation of such models, which possible use in public sector. they will bring us coffee, sort the mail, help to understand with paper in office and always will exactly know, where and what document lies the robots will even service the client in shop. on given moment is considered by the most ingenious model robot hrp-4 japanese companies kawada industries. the companies not yet ready to introduce the robot in their own offices, but this deal of time.