Анастасия Елена

Find the extra word in each line. 1 oh, let me tell you about our trip. did you know that sara is afraid of be 2 fl ying? we had arranged it with her family to go to france for a few days. 3 i have always wanted to see paris and would love to live in there one day. 4 well, we got to the airport and sara appeared being nervous. i asked her if 5 she was okay and she said she was fi ne, so we continued on to our way. 6 we went through passport control and i could see so that sara wasn’t 7 keen on going any further. just then, a voice announced: ‘we regret it to 8 inform passengers that flight 114 to france is been cancelled.’ that was 9 our fl ight! sarah said she was glad because of she was too frightened to 10 fl y anyway! so, we all went to home. that was the end of that trip! choose the correct answer. 1 i’ve always dreamt china. a to visit b of visiting c i visit d visit 2 the travel agency is arranging for us at a really nice hotel. a stay b of staying c to stay d staying 3 my dad says he always regrets more. a to not travel b not travelling c he not travel d of not travelling 4 john seems keen how to drive as soon as he can. a of learning b he learn c for learn d to learn 5 now, class, i’d like you all to write a description of your last holiday. a me b to me c it me d about me 6 when you arrive , have your passport ready. a to the airport b in the airport c on the airport d at the airport 7 the joneses have invited us to australia with them this summer. a going b for going c about going d to go 8 the in-fl ight entertainment may differ that advertised. a to b from c in d at

Английский язык


ЛАРИСА Насоновская231

find the extra word in each line.

1 oh, let me tell you about our trip. did you know that sara is afraid of be

2 fl ying? we had arranged it with her family to go to france for a few days.

3 i have always wanted to see paris and would love to live in there one day.

4 well, we got to the airport and sara appeared being nervous. i asked her if

5 she was okay and she said she was fi ne, so we continued on to our way.

6 we went through passport control and i could see so that sara wasn’t

7 keen on going any further. just then, a voice announced: ‘we regret it to

8 inform passengers that flight 114 to france is been cancelled.’ that was

9 our fl ight! sarah said she was glad because of she was too frightened to

10 fl y anyway! so, we all went to home. that was the end of that trip!


choose the correct answer.

1 i’ve always dreamt china. a to visit b of visiting c i visit d visit 2 the travel agency is arranging for us at a really nice hotel. a stay b of staying c to stay d staying 3 my dad says he always regrets more. a to not travel b not travelling c he not travel d of not travelling 4 john seems keen how to drive as soon as he can. a of learning b he learn c for learn d to learn 5 now, class, i’d like you all to write a description of your last holiday. a me b to me c it me d about me 6 when you arrive , have your passport ready. a to the airport b in the airport c on the airport d at the airport 7 the joneses have invited us to australia with them this summer. a going b for going c about going d to go 8 the in-fl ight entertainment may differ that advertised. a to b from c in d at

Действие происходит в 1911 году, в москве. в одном из московских театров происходят преступления,  эраст петрович пытается раскрыть их и одновременно завоевать сердце любимой актрисы. фандорин наконец-то влюбился - если раньше он лишь позволял женщинам любить себя, не "вспыхивая" в ответ, то теперь все изменилось, как при трагических событиях 35-летней давности. ради любимой эраст петрович сделал невозможное — сочинил пьесу из японской жизни, написав ее белым стихом. эта пьеса приводится  борисом акуниным  в конце, как приложение к роману. заканчивается роман женитьбой (точнее, гражданским браком) фандорина на элизе луантэн.

Настольная игра «Монополия» признана лучшей игрой за последние 100 лет в Великобритании. Это было около (1) в течение 40 лет. Каждый год проводится чемпионат монополии. (2) самый длинный матч длился два месяца. Любаша, Полина и Танюша (3) русские куклы в традиционных народных костюмах (4) Тульской и Смоленской областей. Это тип (5) - кукол, которые люди любят собирать. На лондонской ярмарке игрушек были сотни (6) новых игрушек и игр, но электрические скутеры были лучшими. Я, например, хочу (7) один на Рождество в этом году. Сумасшедшие кости Гого - одна из (8) самых популярных игрушечных игр в Великобритании. «Сумасшедшие кости» - это маленькие пластиковые фигурки, с которыми интересно (9) играть в игры, собирать и менять местами. Есть четыреста (10) костей в пяти цветах. Все Сумасшедшие кости, включая пять редких (11), имеют отдельных персонажей. Сумасшедшие кости стали очень популярными и (12) с начала года в британских магазинах было продано миллионы (13) маленьких игрушек.

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Find the extra word in each line. 1 oh, let me tell you about our trip. did you know that sara is afraid of be 2 fl ying? we had arranged it with her family to go to france for a few days. 3 i have always wanted to see paris and would love to live in there one day. 4 well, we got to the airport and sara appeared being nervous. i asked her if 5 she was okay and she said she was fi ne, so we continued on to our way. 6 we went through passport control and i could see so that sara wasn’t 7 keen on going any further. just then, a voice announced: ‘we regret it to 8 inform passengers that flight 114 to france is been cancelled.’ that was 9 our fl ight! sarah said she was glad because of she was too frightened to 10 fl y anyway! so, we all went to home. that was the end of that trip! choose the correct answer. 1 i’ve always dreamt china. a to visit b of visiting c i visit d visit 2 the travel agency is arranging for us at a really nice hotel. a stay b of staying c to stay d staying 3 my dad says he always regrets more. a to not travel b not travelling c he not travel d of not travelling 4 john seems keen how to drive as soon as he can. a of learning b he learn c for learn d to learn 5 now, class, i’d like you all to write a description of your last holiday. a me b to me c it me d about me 6 when you arrive , have your passport ready. a to the airport b in the airport c on the airport d at the airport 7 the joneses have invited us to australia with them this summer. a going b for going c about going d to go 8 the in-fl ight entertainment may differ that advertised. a to b from c in d at
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