1. how are you spending new year's eve?
you are spending new year's eve.
you are not spending new year's eve.
2. we are very busy at the moment.
we are not very busy at the moment.
are we very busy at the moment?
3. dad is doing the last minute shopping.
dad is not doing the last minute shopping.
is dad doing the last minute shopping?
4.mum is making a special dish.
mum is not making a special dish.
is mum making a special dish?
5. aunt betsie is making tea for everyone.
aunt betsie is not making tea for everyone.
is aunt betsie making tea for everyone?
6. grandma is doing the gardening.
grandma is not doing the gardening.
is grandma doing the gardening?
7. clara and steve are doing the washing-up.
clara and steve are not doing the washing-up.
are clara and steve doing the washing-up?
8. steve's also washing the grapes for tonight.
steve isn't also washing the grapes for tonight.
is steve also washing the grapes for tonight?
9. they are making the decorations.
they are not making the decorations.
are they making the decorations?
10. they are excited.
they are not excited.
are they excited?
11. everyone is getting ready to celebrate new year's eve.
everyone isn't getting ready to celebrate new year's eve.
is everyone getting ready to celebrate new year's eve?
12. they are buying presents and food.
they are not buying presents and food.
are they buying presents and food?
13. council workers are decorating the streets and making preparations for tonight's celebrations in the plaza del sol.
council workers are not decorating the streets and making preparations for tonight's celebrations in the plaza del sol.
are council workers decorating the streets and making preparations for tonight's celebrations in the plaza del sol?
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Ireading a 1 read the text прочитай текст. london london is the capital of great britain, its political, economic and cultural centre. it is one of the largest cities in the world. london is situated on the river thames. the city is very old and beautiful. london has 3 parts: the city, the west end and the east end. the city is the oldest part of london, its financial and business centre. the west end is the most beautiful part of london. there are many factories and the port of london there. london has many places of interest. they are: the houses of parliament, big ben, trafalgar square and the british museum. choose the right variant. выбери правильный вариант ответа. 1. london is the capital of great britain a) true b) false 2. london is situated on the river severn a) true b) false 3. the city is the oldest part of london a) true b) false 4. london has no places of interest a) true b) false ii cultural awareness a2 match the countries to their capitals. установите соответствие между странами и их столицами. 1.wales a) london 2.scotland b) cardiff 3.england c) belfast 4.northern ireland d) edinburgh iii use of english a3 add the missing letter. добавьте недостающую букву. 1.m_sic, 2)fr_day, 3) f_ve 4)f_mous. a4 match words with the sounds. установите соответствие между звуками и словами. 1[i: ] a) john 2[ai] b) fine 3[u] c) sleep 4[dʒ] d) cook a5 choose the right tense. выберите правильное время. 1. peter is writing a letter now. a) present simple b) present continuous 2. children do homework every day. a) present simple b) present continuous 3. i am swimming now. a) present simple b) present continuous 4 mary often reads books. a) present simple b) present continuous a6 choose the right variant. выберите правильный вариант ответа. 1. i live in …pechora. a) an c) the b) a d) - 2. moscow is the capital of…..russian federation. a) an c) the b) a d) - 3. john …… watching tv now a) is c) are b) - d) am 4. i … swim a) can c) may b) need d) have to a7 fill in the missing words: заполните пропуски недостающими словами. visit, changeable , humor , zoo. 1. these pupils will … the british museum. 2. the climate of great britain is…… 3.john has a good sense of…… 4. they will go to the … tomorrow b1 complete the table. add the appropriate suffix. заполни таблицу. добавь необходимый суффикс. write 0)writer sing 1) teach 2) art 3) sport 4) b2 make up sentences from the words.составьте из слов предложения . 1. likes, golf, my elder brother, to play. 2. usually, have supper, at 8 o’clock, we. 3. mary, watching, is, now, tv. 4. swim, i, can, very fast. iv writing b3 complete the form. заполните анкету. first name surname 1) country 2) age 3) hobby 4) favourite subject 5) country you would like to visit 6)
1.ancient rus was one of the early feudal states and eld a leading place in the world history.
the slavonic written language came to rus from bulgaria in 9th century. towards the end of this century the replacement of religious books in greek for those in the slavonic language began. between the 10th and 13th centuries russians developed a high civilization, which formed the foundation of the russian cultural threasures were accumulated. monasteries were cultural and educational centres. they had large libraries and well-equipped book-making shop, in which not only church manuscripts were copied and translated but original books were written.
2.in pre-revolutionary russia there was a network of primary schools for common people. nevertheless illiteracy among common people was very high. well-off people taught thei children in grammar schools, commercial shools or secondary schools teaching no classics.there were also schools for nobles only. only boys at the of 10 or 12 from noble families of high rank were admitted and studied there for six years. they were taught many different subject. the mos important were russian literature, history, geography, mathematics, physics, logic, law,rhetoric and such foreign languages as french, english, german and latin. those who graduated from such educational institutions usually entered the service of their country to realize their abilities and knowledge to the benefit of their state.
3.those who graduated from such educational institutions usually entered the service of their country to realize their abilities and knowledge to the benefit of their state.
4.after the revolution in 1917, education was guaranteed to the soviet citizens by the constitution and was free of charge including higher education. teaching at schools was carried out almost in all national languages.school attendance was compulsory for those between 7 and 15. those who completed their secondary education and passed entrance examinations to higher education establishments received monthly grants if they did not fail in the examinations that they took at the end of each term. higher school enducation lasted five years.
5. in 1991 the former fifteen republics of the soviet union became independent states.the russian federation, the biggest and most powerful of them began to develop as a democratic state. from the very start democratic reforms began to take place in many fields of life. changes in political, economic and social conditions required changes in the system of education.along with state schools where education is free of charge there appeared many private schools, colleges, lycees, gymnasiums and different courses where students can study sciences and humanities including foreign languages.
6.at some schools the leavers are sent abroad to continue their education at sorbonne in paris, at the universities of great britain, garmany, usa and other countries. after graduating from those universities they return to to their country to work in different fields of national economy. a former student of a russian school said on his return home: "i was surprised how much there is in common between russian and western young people - their love for entertainments and the same kind of music and their wish to know everything new. i hope there will be time when young people from abroad will also come to our country to study"